Enabling WebSphere® MQ support

To access WebSphere® MQ queue managers and queue contents on the local z/OS® system where File Manager is running, the WebSphere® MQ libraries must be made available to File Manager and users must be granted read and update access.

For the File Manager Base function, the WebSphere® MQ load libraries SCSQANLE, SCSQAUTH, and SCSQLOAD must be made available to the TSO or batch job user, either in the linklist, or as part of the STEPLIB in the TSO procedure (or batch JCL). File Manager MQ functions make use of sending messages to the SYSTEM.COMMAND.QUEUE and creating a dynamic queue using SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL queue to retrieve the replies. The high level qualifier for this reply queue is customizable in the FMN0POPT table, as keyword MQREPHLQ. The sample options module contains a value of FMNTMQL. for the high level qualifier. When the dynamic queue name is passed to the MQ APIs for construction, it will use the HLQ as specified in the options module, appended with the current user ID and a ".*" string. The MQ manager being used will then return the full dynamic name to be used. You can change this high level qualifier to suit your installation's MQ security rules.

Note: For an FMNELIBD invocation of File Manager, the WebSphere® MQ load libraries can be specified when customizing theFMNELIBD exec. See Preparing File Manager to run with LIBDEFs for more details.
File Manager users who must access IBM® MQ resources require the following access:
  • Update access to the dynamic queues MQREPHLQ.userid.*
  • Update access to the SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT queue
  • Read access to the SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL queue
Requesting users also require relevant permissions to access specific IBM® MQ resources. These resources might include these permissions:
  • To connect to queue managers
  • To read or alter queue manager or queue attributes
  • To create and delete resources
  • To browse or destructively get queue messages
To determine what permissions are required, see Setting up security on z/OS in the IBM® MQ security documentation in IBM Knowledge Center.

For FM/CICS using the ADFzCC server , they must be added to the configuration data for the FMNLIB concatenation in the ADFz Common Components CONFIG DD concatenation. For more information about the ADFzCC server and configuration data, see Customizing the ADFzCC server.