1 RLS=
2.1! YES
2.1 NO
Specifies whether VSAM RLS support is active or not.
VSAM data sets are opened in non-RLS mode.
VSAM data sets are opened in RLS mode if applicable.
Note: In the options module, if RLS=YES is specified on the FMN0POPI macro, File Manager performs the following for the VSAM data set:
  1. If IDCAMS specifies RLS IN USE = YES and VSAM QUIESCED = NO, then File Manager opens the VSAM data set in RLS mode.
  2. If IDCAMS specifies RLS IN USE = YES and VSAM QUIESCED = YES, then File Manager opens the VSAM data set in non-RLS mode.
  3. If IDCAMS specifies RLS IN USE = NO, then File Manager opens the VSAM data set in non-RLS mode.