Edit Entry panels

You use the Edit Entry panels to enter the name of a resource to be edited. You also use these panels to specify the name of the copybook or template that describes a logical view of the data set.

There are three different Edit Entry panels. The type of Edit Entry panel that FM/CICS displays depends on which CICS Resource you selected on the Primary Option Menu panel:
Table 1. Edit Entry panels
CICS Resource Edit Entry panel displayed
File Edit CICS File Entry panel
Temporary Storage Edit Temporary Storage Entry panel
Transient Data Edit Transient Data Entry panel
The Edit Entry panels are virtually identical to the corresponding Browse Entry panels with the following additional options:
  • Inplace edit
  • Lock resource
  • Name
  • Create audit trail
Each of the Edit Entry panels is shown below followed by a description of the four entry additional fields mentioned above. For an explanation of the other fields in this panel, see the field definitions in Browse Entry panels.

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. Edit CICS File Entry panel
  Process   Options   Help
 FM/CICS                   Edit CICS File Entry Panel

 Input CICS VSAM File:
    File name  . . . .         
    Sysid  . . . . . .     
    Start position . .                               
    Record limit . . .              Record sampling   
    Inplace edit . . .              Prevent inserts and deletes
    Lock resource  . .              Name                                     
 Copybook or Template:
    Data set name  . .                                               
    Member . . . . . .              Blank or pattern for member list
 Processing Options:
  Copybook/template   Start position type   Enter "/" to select option
  3  1. Above            1. Key                Edit template    Type (1,2,S)
     2. Previous         2. RBA                Include only selected records
     3. None             3. Record number      Create audit trail
     4. Create dynamic

 Command ===>                                                Applid            
 F1=Help     F3=Exit     F4=Expand   F7=Backward F8=Forward  F10=Left
 F11=Right    F12=Cancel
Figure 2. Edit Temporary Storage Entry panel
  Process   Options   Help
 FM/CICS               Edit Temporary Storage Entry Panel

 Input Temporary Storage Queue:
    Queue name . . . .                   (Case sensitive)
    Sysid  . . . . . .     
    Pool name  . . . .         
    Start position . .              Record number
    Record limit . . .              Record sampling   
    Inplace edit . . .              Prevent inserts and deletes
    Lock resource  . .              Name                                     
 Copybook or Template:
    Data set name  . .                                               
    Member . . . . . .              Blank or pattern for member list
 Processing Options:
  Copybook/template       Enter "/" to select option
  3  1. Above                Edit template    Type (1,2,S)
     2. Previous             Include only selected records
     3. None                 Create audit trail
     4. Create dynamic

  Command ===>                                                Applid           
 F1=Help     F3=Exit     F4=Expand   F7=Backward F8=Forward  F10=Left
 F11=Right    F12=Cancel
Figure 3. Edit Transient Data Entry panel
  Process   Options   Help
 FM/CICS                Edit Transient Data Entry Panel

 Input Transient Data Queue:
    Queue name . . . .              (Case sensitive)
    Sysid  . . . . . .     
    Start position . .              Record number
    Record limit . . .              Record sampling   
    Inplace edit . . .              Prevent inserts and deletes
    Lock resource  . .              Name                                     
 Copybook or Template:
    Data set name  . .                                               
    Member . . . . . .              Blank or pattern for member list
 Processing Options:
  Copybook/template       Enter "/" to select option
  3  1. Above                Edit template    Type (1,2,S)
     2. Previous             Include only selected records
     3. None                 Create audit trail
     4. Create dynamic

  Command ===>                                                Applid            
 F1=Help     F3=Exit     F4=Expand   F7=Backward F8=Forward  F10=Left
 F11=Right    F12=Cancel
Inplace edit
If you select this option, the edit session does not allow you to insert or delete records.

If Inplace edit is not selected for queues, then FM/CICS uses an auxiliary file to allow rewriting of the data.

You must select Inplace edit when using any of the following:
  • A segmented record type data set (as indicated by your chosen template)
  • Record sampling
  • A record limit of MEMORY
  • A VSAM data set defined as NOREUSE
Lock resource
Causes a CICS enqueue to be issued with the enqueue resource name specified in the corresponding Name field during the Edit session. The enqueue is issued on the local system that is running FM/CICS.
When editing TS and TD queues, FM/CICS also issues a CICS enqueue that occurs regardless of the Lock setting. The enqueue is issued on the local system that is running FM/CICS. This prevents concurrent update access against a TS or TD queue by multiple FM/CICS instances on the same system. FM/CICS uses the following naming convention for the internally generated CICS enqueue resource name: FMLOCK:xxsysidname where:
TD or TS.
The ID of the CICS system where the resource resides. A blank value indicates the resource resides on the local system.
The name of the queue.
If the Lock resource field is selected, FM/CICS issues a CICS enqueue with the resource name specified in this field for the duration of the Edit session. FM/CICS issues the CICS enqueue with a resource length of 255 and pads all unused characters with blanks.
Create audit trail
Determines if FM/CICS generates an audit report of all successful modifications to data made during an Edit session.

The display of this option depends on whether SAF-rule controlled auditing is in effect. See "SAF-rule controlled auditing" in the File Manager User’s Guide and Reference for DB2 Data.

The ability to change this option depends on the installation options (in the FMN3POPT macro). The Create audit trail option can be:

  • When your system administrator has enforced audit logging, the Create audit trail option in this panel is ignored.
  • When your system administrator has not enforced audit logging, you can set this option on or off for any particular editing task. Type a "/" in the option entry field to generate audit reporting for the current Edit session.

For more information about setting the Audit Trail options, refer to the File Manager Customization Guide or see your systems administrator.

Parent panels

Child panels

The next panel displayed depends on the options selected in the Edit Entry panel.

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