Installing the Build Toolkit plug-in

This topic explains how to install the Build Toolkit plug-in for use with the zconbt command.

About this task

z/OS® Connect provides a Build Toolkit (zconbt) for creating service archive (SAR) files. SAR files are used during z/OS® Connect API creation to associate APIs with service providers such as File Manager Service Provider.

The z/OS® Connect EE Build Toolkit is bundled with the z/OS® Connect host product. It provides the zconbt command, which runs in Windows, Linux, and z/OS® environments.


  1. If you have not already done so, extract the z/OS® Connect Build Toolkit to the environment (Windows, Linux or z/OS®) where you intend to build your SAR files.
  2. Copy the File Manager Build Toolkit plug-in to the Build Toolkit /plugins directory.
    For example:
    cp com.hcl.zosconnect.buildtoolkit.filemanager.jar /var/zconbtv3/plugins
  3. Edit the file in the z/OS® Connect Build Toolkit /lib directory, and add an entry for the File Manager plug-in.
    For example, edit /var/zconbtv3/lib/ and then add the following entry:
  4. You can now use the zconbt command to create SAR files for File Manager APIs.
    For example:
    cd /var/zconbtv3/bin
    zconbt.zos -f=./yourSAR.sar
  5. All service archives created using the File Manager Build Toolkit plug-in must be copied to the z/OS Connect /zosconnect/services directory.
    For example:
    cp yourService.sar /var/zosconnect/servers/<yourWLPServer>/resources/zosconnect/services
    Copied archives must be readable by the z/OS Connect WLP STC user.