Selecting your service

To select an IDCAMS service:

  1. From the Utility Functions menu, select 4 Dslist. The Catalog Services panel is displayed.
  2. Enter the Data set name:
    • Specify either a fully-qualified data set name or a generic data set name when you want to:
      • list catalog entries; or
      • print catalog entries.
    • Specify a fully-qualified data set name when you want to:
      • alter a catalog entry;
      • define a catalog entry;
      • delete a catalog entry; or
      • display entry information.
  3. Optionally enter a catalog name. If you leave the Catalog ID entry field blank, File Manager uses the system catalog search order.
  4. Select the Entry type.

    You can use the entry type processing option to restrict the catalog search to a specified type, or to search all types by selecting Any. The effect of this option depends on the catalog service you have chosen:

    • For all services, except “Define catalog entry”, it simply restricts the search to entries of the specified type.
    • When you select an entry type (other than Any) with the “Define catalog entry” service, it predetermines or restricts the type of entry to be defined.

    Restricting the search (by using an entry type other than Any) is most useful with a generic data set specification.

    The entry type processing options are:

    Any catalog entry.1
    A non-VSAM data set entry. This type includes all non-VSAM data sets (such as PDSs, PDSEs, IAM and ordinary sequential data sets) but does not include non-data set types (such as aliases and GDGs).
    Any VSAM data set entry. This type includes all VSAM data sets, not just clusters and their components.1
    A VSAM alternate index entry.
    An alias entry.
    A VSAM cluster entry.1, 2
    A VSAM data component entry.1, 2
    A generation data group entry.
    A VSAM index component entry.1, 2
    An Object Access Method entry.3
    Page space
    A system page data set entry.3
    A VSAM path entry.
    User catalog
    A user catalog entry.3
  5. To generate the data set list with all data sets matching the qualifiers in the Data set name field, including data sets with additional qualifiers, select the Include Additional Qualifiers option.
  6. If you are defining, deleting, listing, or printing a catalog entry and you want to run the command in batch, select the Batch execution option.
  7. To show all dates on the Data Set List panel and listing as YY/MM/DD (instead of the default YYYY.DDD), select the YY/MM/DD date format (def. YYYY.DDD) option.
  8. To limit the number of data sets selected for VTOC or catalog processing, select the Processing limit option and type the maximum number of entries in the adjacent entry field.
  9. Select one of the services listed at the top of the Catalog Services panel by typing the appropriate entry on the Command line. Leave the Command line blank for the “List catalog entries” service.
  10. Press Enter. File Manager searches the system catalogs for the data set or sets you have specified and performs the service you have requested.
Note: Catalog Services attempts to help you to invoke IDCAMS such that your request is successful, but this is not always possible. If an error occurs, a pop-up window might be displayed containing IDCAMS messages.

Related topics

1 If you specify this entry type, and define a new catalog entry without using an existing catalog entry as a model, File Manager displays a pop-up menu, from which you can select a specific entry type.
2 When a component of a VSAM data set matches a search, all the components of the data set appear in the resulting list, whether they match the search or not. For example, if you have a VSAM ESDS with a cluster called FMN.ESDS and a data component called FMN.ESDS.D and specified the generic data set name FMN.ES* with entry type Data, both the cluster and data components are displayed, even though the type of the cluster is not a match. In fact, it would be displayed even if its entry name did not match.
3 These services are not supported:
  • “Define catalog entry”
  • “Delete catalog entry”
  • “Alter catalog entry”