Using F4 for enhanced search report filtering commands

When in a view session of the enhanced search report and your cursor is positioned on the command line, you can enter F4 to display the selection menu as follows:

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 ─ ┌────────── Report View Options ──────────┐ ─────────────────────────────────
 V │ Command ===>                            │EFAULT            Col 00001 00072 
 C │                                         │                 Scroll ===> CSR  
 * │ 1  SUM      Only data sets/members      │ ta ******************************
 0 │ 2  DS       Only data sets              │ ---------------------------------
 0 │ 3  RES      Original report             │                                  
 0 │                                         │                                  
 0 └─────────────────────────────────────────┘                                  
 000005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 000006 >Data Set: FMN.PK95812.CNTL                                             
 000007  >Member : DRIVER                                                       
 000008        12  // SET IPVLVL=ABC              <===== DON'T CHANGE UNLESS REQ
 000009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 000010 >Data Set: FMN.PM16665.CNTL                                             
 000011  >Member : OVVAB                                                        
 000012        32  OVLY_VAR('S','ABCDE');                                       
 000013        51  OVLY_VAR('S','ABCDE');                                       
 000014  >Member : OVVABRX                                                      
 000015        32  OVLY_VAR('S','ABCDE');                                       
 000016        51  OVLY_VAR('S','ABCDE');                                       
 000017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 000018 >Data Set: FMN.PM22660.CNTL                                             
 000019  >Member : RVW                                                          

The options can be selected by number or placing your cursor on the value SUM, DS or RES and hitting enter. If you have a 3270 emulator session where you can set a double click to enter then you can double click on the value to drive the command.

The command descriptions are as follows:

This will show data set, member, path and file name lines only.
This will show data set and path lines only.
This will reset to the original search report highlighting.