Limiting the search to specified fields

In SNGL or TABL display format, you can optionally limit the effects of primary commands to a specified field, a list of fields, or one or more ranges of fields. (You cannot specify field references in other display formats.)

The following command finds the next segment containing the numeric value 123 in either of the fields with field references #8 and #9:
FIND 123 #8,#9
If a field is part of a multi-dimensional array (table), then the array fields have the same field reference number, but are differentiated by the dimension, using a subscript. For example, given the following field references (shown in TABL display format):
(1,1)    (1,2)    (1,3)    (2,1)    (2,2)    (3,2)
#9       #9       #9       #9       #9       #9
You could use field references such as:
F bike #9(1,2)
F bike (#8 #9(2,1))
To search all items in the array, specify:
F bike #9

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