Points to consider when working with repeatable items

If you are working with repeatable items, keep in mind the following:
  • Repeatable item commands are only effective if you move the cursor to one of the elements of the repeatable item.
  • For each repeatable item in a fragment (generally none or one), only one instance of the item is current at a given time. Generated data for the current instance is displayed in green; generated data for any other instances is displayed in yellow.
  • Press the PrvRpt (F10) and NxtRpt (F11) function keys to navigate between the instances.
  • The InsRpt function key (F5) inserts a repeat instance after the active repeat instance and makes the new repeat instance active.
  • If there are no instances for a repeatable item, you can create the initial instance and make it active by either:
    • Using the InsRpt function key (F5), or
    • Moving the cursor to an element of the repeatable item and pressing Enter
  • If there is already an instance of a repeatable item, pressing Enter with the cursor on an element of the repeatable item causes that element to be “edited�?.