Starting FM/CICS

You can invoke FM/CICS:

  • By submitting a batch job, or
  • Directly (if FM/CICS has been configured to connect to ADFzCC server ).
To start FM/CICS, enter the transaction name for File Manager:
FM userid (invocation options)
To run FM/CICS from another CICS® application, code this command:
EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM('FMN3CICS') COMMAREA('FM userid (invocation options)')
  • For the transaction invocation, this is the default transaction name for File Manager.
    Note: The default transaction name, FM, may have been changed at your site during installation due to local standards or other reasons. If you change this value, then you must also change the FMN3POPT options module to reflect the current transaction identifier for the (BACKGROUND) option to work.
  • For the coded command (when running from another CICS application), this is required and must be the first two characters in the COMMAREA
Is optional. Each FM/CICS user is required to provide an MVS userid and (on the next panel) the password. If you omit the userid then:
  • If you have signed on using CESN and the product has been installed with either *DEFAULT=SIGNON or *PASSWORD=REMEMBER, then the userid defaults to the signed-on userid.
  • If you have not signed on, then you are prompted for a userid before the logon panel is presented.
invocation options
These options allow you to specify how you want to invoke FM/CICS. You specify them within parentheses, separated with a space:
Invokes FM/CICS by submitting a batch job. You only need to specify this option if the installation option is set to START=TASK and you want to override it.
Invokes FM/CICS directly (non-batch). You only need to specify this option if the installation option is set to START=BATCH and you want to override it.
Instructs FM/CICS to run non-terminal processing in a background task.
Once a valid userid has been specified to the FM transaction, FM/CICS displays the File Manager for CICS Logon panel. There are two forms of this logon panel:
  • The batch invocation panel is displayed when START=BATCH is in effect at logon. It submits a batch job that invokes FM/CICS.
  • The non-batch invocation panel is displayed when START=TASK is in effect at logon.
Note: The File Manager for CICS Logon panel is displayed for every user the first time the FM transaction is entered. The logon panel can be bypassed on subsequent invocations of the FM transaction if all of the following conditions are true:
  • The *PASSWORD=REMEMBER install option has been specified.
  • You have already signed on to CICS.
  • The userid has been omitted when invoking the FM transaction.
  1. On the File Manager for CICS Logon panel, enter your password in the Password entry field.

    The Password entry field is normally the only field on the File Manager for CICS Logon panel in which you need to enter details (all the entry fields are prefilled). If this is the case, go to Step 9.

  2. To change the current password for the MVS userid, enter the new password in the New Password field. The new password must comply with the password rules for your system. If the new password is valid, you are prompted to enter the new password again to confirm. If you enter the same password again, your new password is accepted.

    (Non-batch invocation only.) You can enter a passphrase of up to 100 characters.

  3. (Batch invocation only.)

    If necessary, specify the node on which the job is to run in the Node field. A /*ROUTE XEQ node.user statement is added after the job card to run the job on the specified machine.

  4. (Batch invocation only.)

    If necessary, in the Procedure field, specify the procedure name for running File Manager on your system. This must be available from an active procedure library. The installation default procedure is FMN3CICB.

  5. If necessary, in the Profile data set field, specify the name of the profile data set to be used to save session information for subsequent invocations. The userid must have access to create and update the specified data set, or the batch job fails. If the data set does not exist, the batch procedure creates it. If the data set exists, it must be a fixed-blocked partitioned data set (preferably a PDSE, if possible) with LRECL of 80.
  6. If necessary, in the Prefix field, specify the prefix to be used as the high-level qualifier when specifying unquoted data sets during the File Manager session. If you do not want prefixing on unquoted data set names, leave this field blank.
  7. (Batch invocation only.)

    If necessary, in the Jobcard entry field lines, edit the jobcard details for the submitted job.

    The jobcard can use the following variables which are substituted when the job is submitted:
    The current 1–4 character terminal ID is substituted.
    The current 1–7 character MVS userid is substituted.
    1. You can terminate the variable with a period which will also be removed during substitution.
    2. The jobcard should be unique and assigned to a class where it will run immediately.
  8. (Non-batch invocation only.)

    The Port field shows the port number used to connect to the ADFzCC server .

    The Host name field shows the name of the system where the ADFzCC server is running. If it is blank, then FM/CICS obtains and uses the host name of the current system.

  9. To submit the batch job that invokes FM/CICS, press Enter.

    When the job is submitted, the logon panel waits for 20 seconds for the job to start and respond. If the job has not responded, it issues a "Job not responding" message. You need to check on the status of the job and either press F5 to wait a further 20 seconds, or press Enter to resubmit the job with any applicable changes. Look up the error message number in the File Manager for z/OS® User's Guide and Reference for further information if the job is not responding.

    FM/CICS displays the FM/CICS Primary Option Menu.

  10. For View (option 1), Edit (option 2), and Print (option 3.2, reached by means of Utilities, option 3), you must specify the CICS Resource. The CICS Resource option setting on the Primary Option Menu is not used by the other functions.
  11. Select the option you want by typing the corresponding highlighted number on the command line.

    For example, to edit a CICS file:

    1. Set the CICS Resource option to 1 (File).
    2. Type 2 (Edit) in the command line.
    3. Press Enter.

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