Configuring File Manager SAR files

Each SAR file that was built using the zconbt command and the File Manager Build Toolkit plug-in identifies a connection ID (connid).

This connection ID correlates with a configuration element in the server.xml of the z/OS® Connect WLP server. If connid is not specified in the properties file during SAR creation, a default value of default is used.

Associating a connid with a configuration element in server.xml allows each SAR file to have its own configuration or to share a configuration with other SAR files. The configuration element specifies the port number of the ADFz Common Components (IPVSRV) to use when starting File Manager sessions in response to API calls, and a maximum timeout value for these sessions. For example, in server.xml:

    <FileManager_Connection id=“default” runport=“9043” max_timeout=“1800” />
You can have as many <FileManager_Connection> configuration elements as are required by your SAR files. Your service will use the configuration element with an id that matches the connid specified in the properties file during SAR creation. For example, a SAR file created with connid=IPVSRV7 will use a configuration element with a matching id. For example:

    <FileManager_Connection id=“IPVSRV7” runport=“9143” max_timeout=“3600” />
If a configuration element in the server.xml cannot be found that matches the connid of the SAR file, the element with id="default" is used.

The provided SAR files fmService.sar, fmIMSService.sar, and fmDB2Service.sar use connids fmService, fmIMSService, and fmDB2Service respectively.