Copybook View and Print Utility

Use the Copybook View and Print Utility to view or print field definition information.

This information can be stored in the following objects:

  • a copybook
  • a template that was based on a copybook (not Db2® templates)
  • a dynamic template
  • an IMS view
  • an IMS criteria set

You can view the report in foreground (view), print the report to your current print data set, or submit a batch job to print the report. When using foreground execution, you can view and print multiple members by selecting them from a member list. When using batch execution, you can specify a generic member name to print multiple members.

To view or print copybook report:

  1. Open the Copybook View and Print Utility panel by selecting option 3.13 or option 7.2 from the Primary Option Menu.
  2. Enter the name of the data set that contains your copybook, template, IMS view or IMS criteria set.
  3. Enter the name of the member that you wish to view or print, or enter a blank or a pattern to select from a member list.
  4. Set your View/Print Option to either 1 (View) or 2 (Print).
  5. To run the function in batch (and, if necessary, edit the JCL), select the Batch Execution option.
  6. To show all occurrences of array elements, select the Show array elements option.
  7. To show start and end values as hexadecimal offsets, select the Show start/end as hex offset option.
  8. To show length values as hexadecimal, select the Show length in hex option.
  9. To show template criteria, select the Show template criteria option.
    The information shown when you select the Show template criteria option depends on the type of input data set:
    Input data set Information shown
    Copybook The Show template criteria option has no effect. Copybook layout reported, with no explicit indication that criteria are not present, and no indication that an extraneous option was selected.
    Template with no identification or selection criteria Template layout reported, with messages to indicate that criteria are not present.
    Template with identification or selection criteria Template layout and criteria reported
  10. Press Enter to process the panel.

    If you specified a pattern or a blank for the member name, the Member Selection list is displayed. Enter S in the Sel field for each member that you want to view or print, then press Enter.

    If you selected Batch execution, the generated JCL is displayed. You can tailor this JCL and then submit it for processing.
    Note: Batch execution ignores the View/Print processing option.
  11. If you used foreground execution and chose to view the report, the View panel is displayed. You can browse the contents of this panel, or print the contents to the current print data set by entering 1.

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