Providing a multicultural version of FMN2DENU
FMN2DENU contains the assembler source for the FM/Db2 object list utility panel titles, column headings, and text used in expanded SQL statements. These are the titles, headings, and statements displayed when you select FM/Db2 option 3.4 and following options. These titles, headings, and statements can be translated to your national language.
To translate these titles, headings or statements to your national language:
- Copy the member FMN2DENU from FMN.SFMNSAM1 to your own source library with the name FMN2Dyyy, where yyy is one of the
following language codes:
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Danish
- Upper case English
- Korean
- Swiss German
- Traditional Chinese
- Simplified Chinese
- Other
- Change the text in FMN2Dyyy in your library as
required, according to the following information:
- Change the statement at about line 419, which reads:
where yyy is the language code you selected in Step 1.DC CL8'FMN2Dyyy'
- To change the panel headings, translate the wording in the statements starting
and containingTTL=...
- To change the column headings, translate the wording in the statements starting
and containingCHD=...
Where a ! separates two words, these two words appear on separate lines in the column heading.
- To change the text used in expanded SQL statements, translate the wording between the quotation marks on the SETC statements, starting at about line 63.
Do not change any statements other than those listed above.
For example, in theTables, Views and Aliases
panel (FMN2POLT), to translate the panel title, you would change the statement:FMN2@TTL ISPFV=QSTBPT,TTL='Tables, Views and Aliases'
To translate the column heading, TABLE SPACE NAME (where the words appear on three separate lines), you would change the statement:FMN2@CHD XRF=SCTSNAME,CHD='TABLE!SPACE!NAME'
To translate the words Alias and Table for the OBJECT TYPE column, you would change the statements:
and&QTXT(4) SETC 'Alias'
&QTXT(297) SETC 'Table'
- Change the statement at about line 419, which reads:
- Modify the FMNUMDD member in FMN.SFMNSAM1 to meet your site's requirements, using the same language code as above. Refer to the usermod for information about other changes you might need to make.
- Install SMP/E usermod FMNUMDD.