Translating the ISPF messages text
All FM/IMS ISPF messages are provided in English.
They are also provided in Japanese if you have installed the FM/IMS Japanese component, and in Korean if you have installed the FM/IMS Korean component. You can translate some or all of these messages into another language.
All FM/IMS ISPF messages are stored in FMN.SFMNMENU. You translate a message as follows:
- Find the members in FMN.SFMNMENU that contain the messages you want to translate. The message members specific to FM/IMS are all named FMNIzzzz.
- Create a library with the same characteristics as FMN.SFMNMENU, with the name FMN.SFMNMyyy, where yyy is the same language code you specified when you modified FMN1MENU. If you have already created a library with this name for translated File Manager Base function messages, use that library. Copy the required message members from FMN.SFMNMENU to this library.
- Change the required message texts in these members in your library.
To use the messages you have translated, see Using the translated messages and panels. For more information about defining and using ISPF messages, see z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide.