Installing File Manager Service Provider on z/OS®

The Service Provider feature is extracted to UNIX System Services, then installed into z/OS Connect within WLP, and then configured in ADFzCC server.

Before you begin

The installation procedure is conducted in the UNIX® System Services environment and has the following environmental prerequisites:
  • The shell environment must have a z/OS® Connect EE-compatible version of Java available on the environment PATH variable. You can check the PATH variable by using the UNIX® System Services echo $PATH command.
  • The z/OS® Connect installation directory <ZCON_INST_DIR>/v3r0/wlp/bin must be in the PATH environment variable.

About this task

The File Manager Service Provider for z/OS® Connect feature is shipped as a binary archive in the SFMNSAM1 data set as member FMNZCEE. The archive contains the following files: Feature archive
fmService.sar File Manager Base component service archive
fmIMSService.sar IMS service archive
fmDB2Service.sar Db2® service archive Properties file
com.hcl.zosconnect.buildtoolkit.filemanager.jar Build Toolkit plug-in


  1. Extract the File Manager Service Provider for z/OS® Connect archive from the SFMNSAM1 data set using the UNIX System Services pax command.
    pax -rf "//'<hlq>.SFMNSAM1(FMNZCEE)'"
    This command extracts the FMNZCEE archive into the current working directory.
  2. (Optional) Edit the productInstall option in the properties file if you want to change the installation directory.</your/preferred/directory>
    This is the location where the File Manager Service Provider is installed. The directory must be fully qualified. That is, it must begin with a forward slash (/). The default installation directory is /var/filemanager. If you elect to change the default directory, it is recommended that you choose one that does not already contain existing files or sub-directories. The productInstall directory is created if it does not already exist.
  3. Copy the properties file to the z/OS® Connect <WLP_USER_DIR>/v3r0/extensions directory using the UNIX System Services cp command.
    For example:
    cp /var/zosconnect/v3r0/extensions
  4. Copy the service archive files to the z/OS® Connect service directory.
    For example:
    cp fm*.sar
    Ensure that the service archive files are readable by the z/OS® Connect WLP started task user.
  5. Install the File Manager Service Provider feature into z/OS® Connect using the installUtility command. For example:
    installUtility install --to=filemanager
    Ensure that the ESA file version number matches the file name in the archive.
  6. Edit the z/OS Connect WLP server.xml configuration.

    The server.xml requires the following changes:

    1. Add the File Manager feature to the featureManager stanza:
    2. Add the runport and maximum timeout configuration for the feature:
      <FileManager_Connection id="default" runport="2800" max_timeout="1800" />
      where runport represents the ADFzCC server port that is used to establish File Manager sessions, and max_timeout represents the maximum number of seconds for which a client can hold a File Manager session open without activity.
  7. Change the ADFzCC server JCL to support z/OS Connect REST requests.
    In the IPVSRV CONFIG DD statement, add REST=YES after the CONFIG=FM stanza. For example:
    //CONFIG DD *
  8. Restart or refresh the z/OS Connect WLP task and ADFzCC server task.

What to do next

To verify a successful installation of the File Manager Service Provider, do the following steps.

  1. Check the JOBLOG of the z/OS Connect WLP started task and verify that the CWWKF0012I message lists fmProvider-2.0 as one of the installed features. For example:
    CWWKF0012I: The server installed the following features: ssl-1.0,
    jdbc-4.1, filemanager:fmProvider-2.0, …
  2. Invoke the File Manager Service Provider manually, using an HTTP PUT request to https://zceehost:zceeport/zosConnect/services/fmService?action=invoke with the following payload:
        "action" : "verify"

    This can be done from a browser or a REST API tool such as POSTMAN. The HTTP verb must be PUT or POST, and a Content-Type: application/json header is required. A HTTP status code of 200 indicates that the File Manager Service Provider has been installed correctly.

If installation verification fails, check that all installation steps have been completed in the designated order. The File Manager User’s Guide and Reference also provides a troubleshooting topic for the File Manager Service Provider for z/OS Connect.