Checklist for installing and customizing File Manager

Table 1. Summary of steps for customizing File Manager and the operating environment
__ 1 Concatenate File Manager libraries to the LINKLIST. See Concatenating libraries to the LINKLIST
__ 2 Modify the TSO logon procedure. See Modifying the TSO logon procedure.
__ 3 Enable/Register File Manager See Enable/Register File Manager.
__ 4 Add File Manager to the ISPF menu. See Adding File Manager to the ISPF menu.
__ 5 Define File Manager in an ISPF command table. See Defining File Manager in an ISPF command table.
__ 6 Make File Manager the default VSAM editor. See Making File Manager the default VSAM editor.
__ 7 Enable WebSphere® MQ support. See Enabling WebSphere MQ support.
__ 8 Customize to use COBOL copybooks. See Customizing for processing COBOL copybooks.
__ 9 Customize to use PL/I include books. See Customizing for processing PL/I include books.
__ 10 Customize to use HLASM copybooks. See Customizing for processing HLASM copybooks.
__ 11 Customize for DFSORT to improve performance. See Customizing to use DFSORT to improve File Manager performance.
__ 12 Bind Db2® for OAM functions. See Binding Db2 to use File Manager object access method (OAM) functions.
__ 13 Authorize File Manager. See Planning for running File Manager with or without APF-authorization and Running File Manager with APF-authorization.
__ 14 Change the default options. See Changing the default options.
__ 15 Change the batch JCL skeleton. See Changing the JCL skeleton for batch mode.
__ 16 Customize the batch return codes. See Customizing File Manager batch return codes.
__ 17 Provide a user I/O exit. See Customizing File Manager to use an I/O exit.
__ 18 Change the print and display translation tables. See Changing the print and display translation tables.
__ 19 Change the ASCII translation tables. See Changing the ASCII translation tables.
__ 20 Customize the File Manager security environment. See Customizing the File Manager security environment.
__ 21 Decide how to customize the File Manager audit facility. See Alternatives for controlling File Manager Base component auditing.
__ 22 Customize File Manager for national languages. See Customizing File Manager for national languages.
__ 23 Customize File Manager to use library management system libraries. See Customizing File Manager to use library management system libraries.