Tape Specific Functions panel
The Tape Specific Functions panel is a menu panel that allows you to select the various tape-specific functions.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help
File Manager Tape Specific Functions
1 Browse Browse tape data
2 Copy Copy tape data
3 Update Copy and update tape data
4 Alter Copy and alter tape data
5 Print Print tape data
6 Contents Summarize tape contents
7 Create Create tape data
8 Summary Print label summary
9 Compare Compare two tapes
10 Scan Scan tape data
11 Tape marks Write tape marks
12 Initialize Initialize a tape
13 Erase Erase tape data
14 ESV list List Exported Stacked Volume
15 Control Position a tape
Command ===> _________________________________________________________________
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward
F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
- 1 Browse
- Displays the Tape Browse panel, in which you can specify the tape records to be displayed for browsing.
- 2 Copy
- Displays the Tape Data Copy Functions panel, which is another menu panel listing the various copy functions available for tape data.
- 3 Update
- Displays the Tape Update panel, in which you can specify the tape records to be updated.
- 4 Alter
- Displays the Tape Record Load panel, in which you can specify the tape records to be altered.
- 5 Print
- Displays the Tape Print panel, in which you can specify the tape records to be printed.
- 6 Contents
- Displays the Tape Map panel, in which you can specify the tape records to be included in a summary.
- 7 Create
- Displays the Create Tape Data panel, in which you can specify details of the records to be created on a tape.
- 8 Summary
- Displays the Tape Label Display panel, in which you can specify the tape labels and tape label summary to be printed.
- 9 Compare
- Displays the Tape to Tape Compare panel, in which you can specify the tapes to be compared.
- 10 Scan
- Displays the Tape Record Scan panel, in which you can specify the search conditions to be used when scanning the nominated tape.
- 11 Tape marks
- Displays the Write Tape Mark panel, in which you can specify the number of Tape Marks to be written at the current position in the tape.
- 12 Initialize
- Displays the Initialize Tape panel, in which you can start the process of initializing a labeled or unlabeled tape.
- 13 Erase
- Displays the Erase Tape panel, in which you can specify the tape from which data is to be erased.
- 14 ESV list
- Displays the Exported Stacked Volume List panel, in which you can specify an Exported Stacked Volume and a number of listing options for which a Table of Contents is to be printed.
- 15 Control
- Displays the Tape Positioning Functions panel, which is another menu panel listing the various tape positioning functions available for tape data.
Parent panels
Child panels
- Tape Browse panel
- Tape Data Copy Functions panel
- Tape Update panel
- Tape Record Load panel
- Tape Print panel
- Tape Map panel
- Create Tape Data panel
- Tape Label Display panel
- Tape to Tape Compare panel
- Tape Record Scan panel
- Write Tape Mark panel
- Initialize Tape panel
- Erase Tape panel
- Exported Stacked Volume List panel
- Tape Positioning Functions panel