Segmented data templates
File Manager offers template support for segmented records. A segmented record is a record that contains one or more logical segments, each of which is defined and identified by a copybook layout. When you apply a "segmented data template" to these records, each segment is treated as a logical record within the supported functions.
Segmented records with no template shows a simple example of segmented records, seen without using a template:
Copybook definition for segmented records shows the copybook definitions needed to define each record segment:
TABL view of segmented data with the DEPT Record Type selected. shows the DEPT. records in TABL format, after a segmented data template (generated from the copybook) has been applied.
The following utilities/functions can support the use of a segmented record template:
- View and Edit, DSU and DSEB functions
- When a segmented data template is in use, File Manager uses In-place
Editing. Segments cannot be inserted, deleted, copied or moved. The
contents of segments can be edited but the length cannot be changed.
The BOUNDS primary command and BND prefix command cannot be used. If you really want to do a change across some common portion of all segments (or across certain columns of a certain segment), you can use the column range parameters on the FIND or CHANGE commands.
The Audit Report identifies changed segments.
- Copy utility and DSC function
- When copying a data set, you can only apply a segmented data template to the input data set. The output data set will contain a separate record for each segment in the input data set.
- Compare utility and DSM function
- Segmented data templates can be used for either the “Old” or “New” data sets or both. This allows you to compare segmented and non-segmented data. For example, after copying segmented data to separate records in a new data set, you might want to compare the data sets to ensure that no errors occurred in the copying process.
- Print utility and DSP function
- Segmented data templates are supported in the Print Utility and DSP function.
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