Invoking File Manager panels from outside File Manager

File Manager panels can also be invoked directly from any REXX procedure, TSO clist or ISPF Command line. To do this, enter the function name for the required File Manager panel (as listed in the “Equivalent function” column in Summary of File Manager panels). This method of invoking File Manager causes ISPF to display a panel for the specific function allowing you to enter the values required for function processing.
Figure 1. Syntax

1 FILEMGR function_name ?data_set_name(1)
  • 1 The data_set_name parameter is only allowed for the DSV function, to invoke View (option 1), and the DSE function, to invoke Edit (option 2).

For example, from any ISPF Command line, you can enter the following command to display the File Manager Print Utility (option 3.2) panel:

If you specify a valid data set name after DSV (Data Set View) or DSE (Data Set Edit), File Manager:
  • Bypasses the entry panel (where you would normally specify the data set name and other options, such as the name of a stored template you might wish to use when displaying the data set).
  • Goes directly to viewing or editing the specified data set.

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