
There are four categories of FM/CICS messages. These messages are generated by FM/CICS, to confirm successful processing, or to tell you about errors.
Note: To see the message number under ADFz Common Components, issue the MSGID command.
FM/CICS level verification messages
These messages are displayed when you first enter FM/CICS, and displays information about the CICS level. FM/CICS level verification messages are preceded by "FMNBB" and a message number.
FM/CICS logon messages
Messages that are issued on the FM/CICS logon screen.
FM/CICS message log messages
Messages that are written to the FM/CICS message log.

The default FM/CICS message log is defined as transient data queue FMNM to sysout class A. However, this may have been changed in the options module during installation.

FM/CICS interface messages
These messages are displayed when an error is encountered during a FM/CICS session. You can get more information about these messages by pressing the F1 (help) key.

If FM/CICS encounters an error after issuing a CICS command (such as INQUIRE FILE), message 1172 is produced, listing the function and returned condition and resp2 values. For further information, look up the condition and resp2 values in either the CICS Application Programming Reference or CICS System Programming Reference.

If FM/CICS receives an ILLOGIC condition when performing resource i/o, message 0063 is displayed, giving the VSAM return and error code. Look up the listed VSAM return and error code for the VSAM function in the DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for further information.
Note: Messages FMN1172I and FMN0063I are also documented in the File Manager User’s Guide and Reference.

FM/CICS logon and message log messages are preceded by "FMNCA" and a message number.