System Settings panel

The Systems Settings panel allows you to view and modify selected options used by the FM/IMS functions.

The panel is displayed when you select option 2 from the Settings Menu.

The FM/IMS administrator may have fixed the values of some or all of the options displayed on the panel. If an option has been fixed, the panel field is protected and you cannot change the specified value.

If an option has not been fixed, you can change the value that has been specified for it.

Enter the RESET command to reset all the options on the panel to the installation defaults.

Enter the EXIT command (F3) to exit the panel saving the changes you have made.

Enter the CANCEL command (F12) to exit the panel without saving the changes you have made.

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. System Settings panel
  Process   Options   Help
 FM/IMS                         System Settings

    Enter "/" to select option
       Fast PSB validation

    Editor choice for viewing/editing members and output data
    1  1. ISPF editor
       2. File Manager base editor

    Pad character  . . . . . .                      (Character or hex value)
    Default CCSID  . . . . . . 0    

 Command ===>                                                                  
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel                                           
Fast PSB validation
Select this option if you use static PSBs with a large number of PCBs and you experience poor response times when you press Enter on the Edit, Browse, Extract, Load, Print, Batch Edit or Batch Browse Entry panels.

To fully validate the PSB that you specify, FM/IMS loads the DBD for each PCB that is in the PSB. This may result in poor response times.

When this option is selected, FM/IMS does not load the DBD for each PCB in the PSB. If you are attempting to use an invalid PSB and this option is selected, you may get an IMS abend when connecting to IMS (rather than a File Manager/IMS error message when the option is not selected). But apart from the improved response time, most users will not notice any difference between the two settings.

Editor choice for viewing/editing members and output data
The editor that you want FM/IMS to invoke:
  • When you select a member for edit, view or browse.
  • When you view generated output.
1. ISPF editor
FM/IMS invokes the ISPF editor.
2. File Manager base editor
FM/IMS invokes the File Manager Base component editor.
Pad character
This value is used for padding segments when you are not using a View and you are expanding the length of a variable length segment or inserting a new segment. It can be a single character or a hexadecimal value (enter an X followed by two hexadecimal characters enclosed in single quotation marks, for example, X'00').

In SNGL or TABL display format, the segment is always padded with X'00' (null) characters.

Default CCSID
Specify the CCSID to be used as the default CCSID for the FM/IMS batch print funtion IPR.

Parent panels

Child panels

  • None.