Editor Options (6 of 8) panel

You use the Editor Options (6 of 8) panel to set your default editor options.

Note: See the description for the Editor Options (1 of 8) panel (Editor Options (1 of 8) panel) about how long any changes you make to these options last.

Panel and field definitions

  Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 FM/Db2 (DFG2)              Editor Options (6 of 8)             Global Settings

 Enter Key Processing:
    Enter key usage
    1  1. No action
       2. Save data
       3. Save data and commit changes

 Commit Options:
    Enter "/" to select option
    /  Commit when save issued
       Commit when no save errors

 Auto Commit (Changes):
    Auto-commit count . . . . . .  0         

 Command ===>                                                                  
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F7=Backward  F8=Forward   F9=Swap
 F10=PrvPage  F12=Cancel
Enter key usage
Set this option to one of the following:
1. No action
This is the default setting. No special action is taken when the Enter key is pressed and no other operations are pending. Any changes made during an Edit session are only presented to Db2® when an explicit SAVE command is issued, or at the end of the Edit session.
2. Save data
All pending changes are submitted to Db2® for processing whenever the Enter key is pressed (and no other operations are pending). Successful changes are not committed until the end of the Edit session, unless the Commit changes when Save issued option is selected. Rows for which there was an unsuccessful change are marked with =ERR, ERR R, or the SQLCODE in the prefix area (see Show SQLCODE).
3. Save data and commit changes
All pending changes are submitted to Db2® for processing whenever the Enter key is pressed (and no other operations are pending). Rows for which there was an unsuccessful change are marked with =ERR, ERR R, or the SQLCODE in the prefix area (see Show SQLCODE). FM/Db2 issues an explicit Db2® commit at the end of the save process; however, this only occurs if:
  • No save errors were encountered, or
  • Commit when no save errors is turned off.
Committing the changes to Db2® is an irrevocable process.
Commit when save issued
The default for this option is selected. The setting for this option may have been fixed by the product installer. FM/Db2 issues an explicit Db2® commit at the end of the save process; however, this only occurs if:
  • No save errors were encountered, or
  • Commit when no save errors is turned off.
Note that the Enter key processing options Save data and Save data and commit changes behave as though an explicit save command had been issued when the Enter key was pressed.
Commit when no save errors
The default for this option is not selected. The setting for this option may have been fixed by the product installer.

When this option is not selected, FM/Db2 issues an explicit Db2® commit at the end of the save process, regardless of whether any errors were encountered during the save process.

When this option is selected, FM/Db2 only issues an explicit Db2® commit at the end of the save process when no errors were encountered during the save process.

Auto-commit count
The default action, indicated by a zero value, is that no automatic Db2® commit points are during the editor SAVE process. When a positive value is specified, FM/Db2 issues an automatic Db2® commit point whenever there have been value successful changes during the SAVE process (where value is the value specified for Auto-commit count). Specifying a non-zero value can cause multiple Db2® commit points to be issued during the SAVE process.


With an auto-commit count of 2 and 11 successful changes processed during a SAVE process, five Db2® commit points are issued. The changes for the last row processed remain uncommitted.

Parent panels

You can go to the Editor Options (1 of 8) panel from the parent panels shown below. To go to the Editor Options (6 of 6) panel, you then press the NxtPage function key (F11) five times.

You can only display the Editor Options (6 of 8) panel if the Enter key and commit processing options option on the Editor Options (1 of 8) panel is selected.

Child panels

To display this panel… Use/do this
Editor Options (5 of 8) panel Press the PrvPage function key (F10)
Editor Options (7 of 8) panel Press the NxtPage function key (F11)

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