Volume Summary/Selection panel

Lists volumes which are currently online. To find a specific volume in the list, you can scroll forward and backward through the list, or you can use the LOCATE command. To select a volume, or multiple volumes, enter S in the Select field(s) for the volume(s), and press Enter. You can also select all volumes by entering ALL on the command line and pressing Enter. You can deselect any selected volume by overtyping the S in its Select field.

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. Volume Summary/Selection panel
  Process   Options   Help
  File Manager            Volume Summary/Selection           Row 00001 of 00005
 Unit    *        DSN       'DTORNEY.FMDATA.**'
 DevType *        VOLSTATE  ALL         SMS SG *
 Volumes 5        Data sets 7           VSAM   3           non-VSAM 4
 VOLSER  D$US5*   Trks used N/A         Free   N/A         Utilized N/A
   VOLSER UNIT Dtype SMS-SG   Total  Used   %Used Free trk Tot DSN VSAM   nVSA ±
   D$US5* *    *     *                                                        
   D$US51 E801 3390  PRIMARY  150255 128750    86    21505       1           1
   D$US53 E81C 3390  PRIMARY  150255 142702    95     7553       1           1
   D$US55 E929 3390  PRIMARY  150255 141320    94     8935       1           1
   D$US57 EA52 3390  PRIMARY  150255 127706    85    22549       2      2
   D$US58 EA55 3390  PRIMARY  150255 131406    87    18849       2      1    1
 ****  End of data  ****

 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F6=Process
  F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
Selection field in which you can enter one of the following line commands:
Selects a volume. Displays the Display VTOC Data Set List panel.
Displays detailed volume information on the Disk Volume Details panel.

Parent panels

Related tasks and examples