Displaying field help information
To display the field help information:
- Place your cursor on the field.
- Press the Help function key (F1). The
field help information is displayed
in a pop-up window.
While the pop-up window is displayed:
- Press the Extended Help function key (F5) to access the Tutorial Help page for the current panel.
- Pressing the Help function key (F1) takes you to the Help Tutorial page within the Tutorial Help system (that is, the page that describes how to use Tutorial Help).
- When you have finished reading the message or the relevant Tutorial Help page, press the Exit function key (F3) to return to your starting panel.
For example, Field help information for the PSB Type field shows the message displayed when F1 is pressed when the cursor is in the PSB Type field on the Browse Entry Panel.
┌─────────────────────── PSB Type ───────────────────────┐ │ The type of PSB that the Browse uses to access the │ │ database. Enter: │ │ 1 for a dynamic PSB. │ │ The Browse uses a temporary PSB that it generates │ (If static PSB) │ at the start of the dialog. │ (If BMP) │ 2 for a static PSB. │ │ The Browse uses an existing PSB you specify in the │ │ PSB name field. │ │ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Resize │ │ F5=Ex-help F6=Keyshelp F7=PrvPage F8=NxtPage │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ from (if DLI) 1 1. Dynamic 1 1. DLI 1 1. User profile 2. Static 2. BMP 2. DFSMDA members View usage Enter "/" to select option 3 1. New / Secondary index (if dynamic PSB) 2. Existing / Skip DB data set panel (if DLI) 3. None Command ===> F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel