DLI mode

When a File Manager/IMS function is run in DLI mode, a DL/I batch processing program issues the DL/I calls. The DL/I batch processing program executes as a subtask of the FM/IMS function.

You use DLI mode when databases are offline.

If you plan to run FM/IMS functions in DLI mode, you must specify the following details when you are customizing the FM/IMS installation options module:
  • The IDs of the IMS subsystems you plan to access in DLI mode.
  • The DLIBATCH parameters that are to be passed to the IMS region controller when accessing each subsystem.
  • Whether FM/IMS functions which are using PSBs that have update intent use an IMS log when accessing each subsystem and, if they do use a log, whether the log is kept when the function ends.
  • The name pattern that FM/IMS functions use to generate IMS log data set names when accessing each subsystem.
  • The names of the DFSVSAMP, RESLIB, IMS macros and staging ACBLIB data sets for each subsystem.
  • The names of the PSB, DBD and Template libraries for each subsystem.
  • Various processing options that you want the functions to use when accessing each subsystem in DLI mode.
For information on how you do this, see Customizing the FM/IMS installation options module.