Updating the CICS® startup procedures

You need to make the following changes to your CICS® startup procedures, before you can use FM/CICS.
  • Add the group FMNCICS to a group list that is installed at CICS® startup.
  • Add the FM/CICS load library to the DFHRPL DD in your CICS® startup procedure. This will be FMN.SFMNMOD2 if you installed FM/CICS into the default libraries.

    If you have installed the FM/CICS Japanese or Korean components, add the FM/CICS Japanese or Korean load library to the DFHRPL DD in front of FMN.SFMNMOD2. The default Japanese load library is FMN.SFMNMODJ and the default Korean load library is FMN.SFMNMODK.

  • Add the following statement for the definition of the internal reader for job submission, to your startup procedure:

    If you change the name of the FMNRDR resource on the DEFINE TDQUEUE(FMNJ) statement in FMN3INST, then modify this statement in your startup procedure accordingly. See Modifying and submitting FMN3INST for information about FMN3INST.

    You might also have to modify your CICS® startup procedures for TCP/IP customization. See Customizing for CICS TCP/IP for more information.

You should also ensure that your CICS® system is set up to run with SEC=YES. Without this option the FM/CICS logon panel will not be able to verify or change passwords. For information about FM/CICS security, see CICS security and FM/CICS.

When you have done all this, restart the CICS® region.