Copy To panel

Use the Copy To panel to specify the data set to which you want the data to be written.

This panel comes in different versions, depending on whether you have specified a template in the Copy From panel and whether the output is to be exported to an external format such as XML or CSV.

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. Copy Utility: “To” panel (no copybook or template specified in “From” panel)
  Process   Options   Help

 To Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or HFS file:
    Data set name . . . . . FMDATA                                          +
    Member  . . . . . . . . DATA2   
    Volume serial . . . . .       

 Processing Options:
    Disposition             Execution "/" options          ISPF Packing
    1  1. Old or Reuse         Replace members             1  1. Asis
       2. Mod                  Binary mode, reclen            2. Pack
    Stats Option                                              3. Unpack
    1  1. Off                                                 4. None
       2. Force                                               5. Skip

 Command ===>                                                                  
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
Copy from
Lists the data set, HFS file (directory), WebSphere® MQ queue name, or a CICS® resource from which you are copying data.
To data set/file: Data set/path name
Can be a fully-qualified data set name or a pattern, an HFS file or directory, a WebSphere® MQ queue name, or a CICS® resource.

For information about specifying a WebSphere® MQ queue name, see Specifying an MQ manager or queue.

For information about specifying a CICS® resource, see Specifying a CICS resource.

The data set name may include a member name or name pattern in parenthesis. If the member is specified here, the associated Member field must be empty.

When you specify an HFS file or directory, you must enter a full path name. If the path name is longer than the displayed entry field, press the Expand function key (F4) to display a pop-up window in which you can enter a longer name.

To Data Set: Member
If you specified the name of a partitioned data set (PDS) without including a member name or name pattern in parenthesis in the Data set name field, then you can use this field to specify the member name or a member name pattern.
Volume serial
Serial number of the volume which is to contain the copied data set. Required for data sets which are not cataloged.
The To data set status:
Old or Reuse
Writes copied records into the output data set, starting from the beginning of the set and replacing any existing records.
Appends the input records to the end of the data set unless the data set is a VSAM KSDS data set. In this case, the records are positioned in the data set using the key value in the input record. MOD is invalid for a member of a partitioned data set.
Replace members
Replace like-named members in an output partitioned data set.
Binary mode
When processing an HFS file, select this option to specify binary mode. In binary mode, data in an HFS file is processed without record delimiters. reclen specifies the logical record length used to deblock data into fixed records. Enter a value between 0 and 32760 (default: 80).

Clear this option to specify text mode. In text mode, the data is processed as a collection of records delimited by one or more of the following EBCDIC characters, depending on the file format: newline (X'15'), carriage return (X'25'), line feed (X'0D').

Stats Option
Determines whether ISPF statistics (if present) for the PDS members being processed are updated:
Update ISPF statistics.
1 Off
Do not update ISPF statistics.
2 Force
Always update or create ISPF statistics.
Use I/O exit
Allows you to specify a user I/O exit for compressed or encrypted data sets.

This option has two fields. To select the option, enter “/” in the field to the left of Use I/O exit. With this selected, you can then specify which exit to use in the field to the right of the field label.

  1. The field only displays if File Manager is installed with the option USEIOX=ENABLE, and the Exit enabled field (in the Set System Processing Options panel) is set to YES. If a default is specified with either of those options, it is displayed in the field to the right of Use I/O exit.
  2. I/O exits can only be used to process the data sets that you are using. They cannot be used to process the copybook or template that you are using to format the data set.
ISPF Packing
Provided that the output data set is a sequential file or a PDS or PDSE, an I/O exit routine is not used, and the DISP is set to OLD, one of these options can be used to control the copy behavior when processing data that is in ISPF PACK format.
1. Asis
If the input data set is packed, it is unpacked before any processing. The output is written in packed format only when the input is packed.
2. Pack
If the input data set is packed, it is unpacked before processing. The output is always written in packed format.
3. Unpack
If the input data set is packed, it is unpacked before processing. The output is always written in unpacked format.
4. None
No checking or processing of ISPF packed data occurs. This option is forced if an I/O exit has been used.
5. Skip
If the input data is packed, no processing or copying occurs.

Template fields for output data set

When you have specified a template in the Copy From panel, the Copy To panel contains additional fields, so that you can choose to specify a template for the output data set.

Figure 2. Copy Utility: “To” panel (copybook or template specified in Copy From panel)
  Process   Options   Help
 Copy from FMNUSER.EXPORT                                           Top of data

 To Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or HFS file:
    Data set/path name  . . 'FMNUSER.DATX'                                  +
    Member name (or mask) .              (Blank or pattern for member list)
    Volume serial . . . . .              (If not cataloged)

 To Copybook/Template From:  FMNUSER.DATA(TEMPA)
    Data set name . . . . .                                               
    Member  . . . . . . . .                (Blank or pattern for member list)

 Processing Options:
   Copybook/template usage   Disposition          Enter "/" to select option
   2  1. Above               1  1. Old or Reuse      Replace members
      2. None                   2. Mod               Edit template mapping
      3. Create dynamic      Stats Option            Edit template source
   ISPF Packing              1  1. Off               Binary mode, reclen      
   1  1. Asis                   2. Force
      2. Pack                Optimize Scrambling
      3. Unpack                 1. Off
      4. None                   2. On
      5. Skip                   3. Max
 Command ===>                                                                  
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel                                           
Copybook/Template From
Lists the copybook or template specified in the Copy From panel, if applicable.
To Copybook or Template: Data set name
Data set name of the template or copybook to be used when mapping fields from the From Copybook or Template. This template does not affect the record selection or field format of the copied data. The field is ignored when the Copybook/template usage field is set to 2. None.
Note: In the case of a copybook, this can be the name of a CA-Panvalet library, or a library accessed using the Library Management System Exit.
To Copybook or Template: Member
If you specified the name of a partitioned data set (PDS) or CA-Panvalet or other external library in the Data set name field, then use this field to specify the member name or member name pattern. This field is ignored when the Copybook/template usage field is set to 2. None.
Edit template mapping
Specifies that you want to change the mapping of input fields to output fields or the data creation patterns for new fields.
Edit template source
Specifies that you want to edit the copybook used to generate the template.
Optimize Scrambling
This option specifies the method used to perform random scrambling or repeatable scrambling as defined in the To template.
Note: 1, 2, and 3 use different repeatable scrambling algorithms. Repeatable results can only be obtained by using the same optimization option.
This defaults to the setting of the OPSCRAM keyword in the installation options module.
1 Off
No optimization is performed.
2 On
This option is designed to improve performance when scrambling large amounts of data where the Repeat or Random option has been specified for various fields.
3 Max
This option is designed to provide the maximum performance improvement.
Note: If Repeat or Random has been specified for a field and a value list is not provided then duplicate alphanumeric characters within a field will yield the same scrambled character.

Fields for output format: XML

If you selected 1. XML as the Output Format option on the Copy From panel, the Copy To panel contains additional fields that allow you to customize how the data is written to XML.

Figure 3. Copy Utility: “To” panel (XML export mode specified in Copy From panel)
  Process   Options   Help

 To Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or HFS file:
    Data set/path name  . . 'FMN.FMDATA.XML'                                +
    Member name (or mask) .              (Blank or pattern for member list)
    Volume serial . . . . .              (If not cataloged)

 Processing Options:
   Disposition           Execution "/" options         Non-print. characters
   1  1. Old or Reuse       Replace members            2  1. Asis
      2. Mod                Binary mode, reclen           2. Hex
   ISPF Packing             Include fillers               3. Replace with .     
   1  1. Asis               Include redefines             4. Skip
      2. Pack               Convert to Unicode         Special characters
      3. Unpack             Split output line          1  1. Escape
      4. None                                             2. CData
      5. Skip               Stats Option                  3. Hex
   Format                   1  1. Off                     4. Replace with *     
   1  1. XML                   2. Force                Invalid data
                            Indent step 1              1  1. Hex
                                                          2. Replace with *     
                                                          3. Skip
 Command ===>                                                                  
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
Specifies that the output is to be written in XML format.
Execution "/" options
Replace members
Replace like-named members in an output partitioned data set.
Binary mode
When processing an HFS file, select this option to specify binary mode. In binary mode, data in an HFS file is processed without record delimiters. reclen specifies the logical record length used to deblock data into fixed records. Enter a value between 0 and 32760 (default: 80).

Clear this option to specify text mode. In text mode, the data is processed as a collection of records delimited by one or more of the following EBCDIC characters, depending on the file format: newline (X'15'), carriage return (X'25'), line feed (X'0D').

Include fillers
Fillers are unnamed items that are defined in the input template (COBOL copybook or PL/I include). Select this option to include fillers in the output.
Convert to Unicode
Indicates whether the output is to be converted to Unicode, or not.
Split output line
Indicates whether the output lines resulting from processing an input record are to be spanned contiguously over multiple output records. If so, the output records will not match output lines. If not, each output line must fit (as the only line) into a single output record, otherwise File Manager truncates the output, ends processing, and reports an error.
Indent step
Defines the number of blanks used to indent each level of XML tag nesting (each nested level in the template, COBOL copybook, or PL/I include causes an increase in indentation by the specified number of blanks). Valid range: 0–9 (default:1).
Non-print. characters
Indicates how non-printable characters are to be represented in the output.
1. Asis
Non-printable characters appear unchanged in the output.
2. Hex
A value with one or more non-printable characters is substituted by its hexadecimal representation.
3. Replace with replacing-character
Each non-printable character is substituted with a replacing character, or each substring of non-printable characters is converted to its hexadecimal representation and surrounded by nested <HEX> and </HEX> tags. The set of allowable replacing characters is limited to printable characters with the exception of special characters.
You can specify the replacing character in one of the following forms:
Each non-printable character is replaced with a character, such as "?". Default character: "." (dot).
Each non-printable character is replaced with a character without case translation.
Each non-printable character is replaced with a character defined by its hexadecimal value.
If you specify HEX instead of a replacing character, each substring of consecutive special characters is replaced by its hexadecimal representation, tagged by <HEX> and </HEX>, and nested into the content of the element. In other words, each string of consecutive special characters is represented by:
nested in the content of the element.
4. Skip
Value is skipped if it contains any non-printable characters.
Special characters
Indicates how special characters are to be represented in XML output.
1. Escape
Special characters are converted into escaped strings:
  • "&gt;" for ">"
  • "&lt;" for "<"
  • "&apos;" for "'"
  • "&quot;" for "'"
  • "&amp;" for "&"
2. CData
The string containing special characters is left unchanged. It is enclosed in the CDATA section.
3. Hex
A value with one or more special characters is substituted with its hexadecimal representation.
4. Replace with replacing-character
Each special character is substituted with a replacing character, or each substring of special characters is converted to its hexadecimal representation and surrounded by nested <HEX > and </HEX > tags. If a replacing character is specified or defaulted, each special character is substituted with the replacing character. The set of allowable replacing characters is limited to printable characters with the exception of special characters.
You can specify the replacing character in one of the following forms:
Each special character is replaced with a character, such as "?". Default character: "_" (underscore).
Each special character is replaced with a character without case translation.
Each special character is replaced with a character defined by its hexadecimal value.
If you specify HEX instead of a replacing character, each substring of consecutive special characters is replaced by its hexadecimal representation, tagged by <HEX> and </HEX>, and nested into the content of the element. In other words, each string of consecutive special characters is represented by:
nested in the content of the element.
Invalid data
Indicates how invalid data is to be represented in the output.
1. Hex
Any invalid value is substituted by its hexadecimal representation.
2. Replace with replacing character
Any invalid value is replaced with a string of replacing characters for the length of the value. The set of allowable characters is limited to printable characters with the exception of special characters.
You can use:
The value is replaced with a string of characters, such as "?". Default character: "*" (asterisk).
The value is replaced with a string of characters without case translation.
The value is replaced with a string of characters, each character being defined by its hexadecimal value.
3. Skip
Any invalid value is skipped.

Fields for output format: CSV

If you selected 2. CSV as the Output Format option on the Copy From panel, the Copy To panel contains additional fields that allow you to customize how the data is written to CSV.
Figure 4. Copy Utility: “To” panel (CSV export mode specified in Copy From panel)
  Process   Options   Help

 To Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or HFS file:
    Data set/path name  . . 'FMN.FMDATA.CSV'                                +
    Member name (or mask) .              (Blank or pattern for member list)
    Volume serial . . . . .              (If not cataloged)

 Processing Options:
   Disposition           CSV options                   Output Options
   1  1. Old or Reuse       Include fillers            /  Replace members
      2. Mod                Include redefines             Binary mode, reclen 10
   ISPF Packing             Include headings           Invalid data
   4  1. Asis               Include leading blanks     1  1. Hex
      2. Pack               Include trailing blanks       2. Replace with *     
      3. Unpack             Leading zeros                 3. Skip
      4. None               Quoted values              Stats
      5. Skip               Single quotes              1  1. Off
                            CSV delimiter                 2. Force 

 Command ===>                                                                  
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
CSV options
Include fillers
Fillers are unnamed items that are defined in the input template (COBOL copybook or PL/I include). Select this option to include fillers in the output.
Include redefines
Indicates whether redefinitions of data items that are specified in the input template (COBOL copybook or PL/I include) are to be included in the output or ignored.
Include headings
Select this option to include field names as headings in the first line of CSV output.
Include leading blanks
Select this option to preserve leading blanks in field values.
Include trailing blanks
Select this option to preserve trailing blanks in field values.
Leading zeros
Select this option to format all numeric fields with leading zeros.
Quoted values
Select this option to wrap the output field value in quotation marks as indicated by the Single quotes option.
Single quotes
Select this option to use single quotation marks instead of double quotation marks for quoted values.
CSV delimiter
Use this field to specify an alternate character to delimit fields in the output file. The default character is a comma.
Replace members
Replace like-named members in an output partitioned data set.
Binary mode
When processing an HFS file, select this option to specify binary mode. In binary mode, data in an HFS file is processed without record delimiters. reclen specifies the logical record length used to deblock data into fixed records. Enter a value between 0 and 32760 (default: 80).

Clear this option to specify text mode. In text mode, the data is processed as a collection of records delimited by one or more of the following EBCDIC characters, depending on the file format: newline (X'15'), carriage return (X'25'), line feed (X'0D').

Invalid data
Indicates how invalid data is to be represented in the output.
1. Hex
Any invalid value is substituted by its hexadecimal representation.
2. Replace with replacing character
Any invalid value is replaced with a string of replacing characters for the length of the value. The set of allowable characters is limited to printable characters with the exception of special characters.
You can use:
The value is replaced with a string of characters, such as "?". Default character: "*" (asterisk).
The value is replaced with a string of characters without case translation.
The value is replaced with a string of characters, each character being defined by its hexadecimal value.
3. Skip
Any invalid value is skipped.

Parent panels

Child panels

Equivalent functions

DSC (Data Set Copy)

Related tasks and examples