Copybook View and Print: View panel
The Copybook View and Print: View panel displays the field information stored in a selected template or copybook.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help
File Manager USERID.COPYBOOK(COPY0102) Line 1 of 18
1 Print Layout
Ref Field Name Picture Type Start End Length
**** Top of data ****
1 1 REC-TYPE01 AN 1 80 80
2 2 REC-TYPE XX AN 1 2 2
3 2 NAME X(20) AN 3 22 20
4 2 EMPLOYEE-NO 9(4) BI 23 24 2
5 2 AGE 9(4) BI 25 26 2
6 2 SALARY 9(7) PD 27 30 4
7 2 MONTH OCCURS 12 TIMES 9(8) BI 31 34 4
8 2 FILLER XX AN 79 80 2
1 1 REC-TYPE02 AN 1 80 80
2 2 REC-TYPE XX AN 1 2 2
3 2 NAME X(20) AN 3 22 20
4 2 JOB-TITLE X(14) AN 23 36 14
Command ===> Scroll 0001
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F5=RFind F7=Up
F8=Down F9=Swap F12=Cancel
This panel displays the layout for the copybook or template you referenced via the entry panel. You can print the contents of the display to the current print data set.
Note: The panel shown in Copybook View and Print: View panel shows a template derived
dynamically from a copybook, in which case, criteria expressions cannot be present.
However, if the Show template criteria option on the Copybook View and Print entry panel has been selected, for a precompiled template criteria expressions may be shown on this panel.
- Field reference
- Shows the field reference number assigned by File Manager to the field name. Field reference numbers are assigned to all fields in a record, and are used to identify fields in identification and selection criteria expressions and in primary commands. For IMS™ templates, views and criteria sets, the reference is suffixed with a K to flag key fields.
- Field name
- Shows the level number and field name of the field. Various other attributes, such as redefines, array sizes, and depending on references, are also displayed as part of the name. Non-zero offset values are displayed for Level 1 fields. For IMS™ templates, views and criteria sets, the Level 1 field name includes the segment reference.
- Picture
- Shows the picture clause for COBOL and for PL/I shows the length and scale (if non zero) for binary and packed fields. Also shows the bit length for bit fields.
- Type
- Shows the data type of the field:
- AN
- Alphanumeric (includes alphabetic, group items, edited PL/I numeric picture fields, and edited COBOL numeric picture fields where not all elements of the picture clause are supported).
- AX
- Alphanumeric displayed in long hexadecimal.
- BI
- Binary
- BT
- Bit
- FE
- Floating point (external)
- FP
- Floating point (internal)
- G/DB
- Graphic/DBCS
- PD
- Packed decimal (internal decimal)
- VB
- Varying bit
- VC
- Varying character
- Varying graphic/DBCS
- ZC
- Z Character
- ZA
- Zoned Alphanumeric (COBOL external edited). COBOL edited picture definitions that do not fit the ZE definition.
- ZD
- Zoned Decimal (external decimal)
- ZE
- Zoned Edited (COBOL external edited). Supports COBOL picture edit
+ - . 9
- ZG/Z2
- Varying graphic/DBCS null terminated
- Start
- Shows the start column of the field. For variable located fields, the start location is based on the maximum length of the record.
- End
- Shows the end column of the field.
- Length
- Shows the length of the field. For a Level 01 field, if the record is variable length, the length shown is the maximum record length.
Available commands
- 1 or P
- Prints the displayed report to the print data set.
- Finds the next occurrence of a character string in the data being displayed, starting at the top of the displayed page or starting at the cursor position (if the cursor is within the data portion of the display). The cursor is placed at the beginning of the found string. Automatic scrolling is performed, if necessary, to bring the string into view. See FIND/FX primary command for more details about this command and its syntax.
- Offset
- Repositions the field start locations by the value specified.
The length of the Level 01 field is adjusted by the offset and the
remaining fields within the layout have the offset added to their
start location. Note: Using the OFFSET commands for IMS™ data set members invalidates key field references, as these cannot be validated in the base product. Key field references remain as they were derived in the originating template, view or criteria set.
Figure 2. Syntax - value
- The length of Level 01 fields in the report and subsequent fields within the layout is adjusted by the value provided, which must be in the range -32760 to 32760. If no field identifier is supplied and ALL is not used, the value is applied to the first Level 01 field in the template.
- Where the report contains multiple record structures, this keyword
applies the corresponding value to all Level
01 fields within the report. Note: You can specify a value for ALL and then override this value for individual layouts by providing subsequent value and fieldname combinations.
- fieldname
- The name of the Level 01 field to which value is to be applied. The default is the first Level 01 field in the report.
- RESet
- This command is used to reset any field highlighted by the FIND command.
Parent panels
Child panels
- None.
Equivalent functions
- None.