Create Table: Generate Values panel

You use the Create Table: Generate Values panel to specify information to define generated values for identity or ROWID columns in the table.

Panel and field definitions

  Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 FM/Db2 (DFG2)           Create Table: Generate Values          Row 1 to 1 of 1

    Owner . . . . . . .                                                        +
    Name  . . . . . . . TAB1                                                   +
    Database  . . . . .
    Table Space . . . .

                                          Gen   As                Caching
                                          (A/D) Idty  Start Incr  Option
 Column Name      + Data Type (Length)  + (Y/N) (Y/N) value value (0=NO CACHE)

 COL1               CHAR(3)                                              
 ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

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Column Name
The name of the column in the table you are creating for which you want Db2® to create values.
Gen (A/D)
Determines when Db2® generates values for the column. Valid values are:
Values not generated for this column.
Values always generated for this column when a new row is inserted into the table.
Values generated for this column when a new row is inserted unless a value is specified.
As Idty (Y/N)
Identifies whether the column is the identity column for the table (there can be only one).
N (or blank)
Column is not an identity column.
Column is the identity column for the table.
Start value
Starting value for generating identity column values (integer).
Incr value
Interval between consecutive generated identity column values (non-zero integer).
Caching Option
An integer specifying how many preallocated values of the identity column are kept in memory to improve performance. Valid values:
Generates a NO CACHE clause.
Generates a NO CACHE nclause. n must be 2 or more.

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