2.1! YES
2.1 NO
Specifies the record length and blocksize of new print output data sets.
For to-be-allocated (new) print output data sets (online) or for SYSPRINT allocation (in batch), File Manager will use the maximum record length/blocksize of 32756/32760 and record format of VBA. This is the default and is the same as previous behaviour.

The maximum record length/block size can be overwritten by the WBLKSIZE and WLRECL File Manager options.

For to-be-allocated (new) print output data sets (online) or for SYSPRINT allocation (in batch), File Manager will use the record length/blocksize of 133/137 and record format of VBA.

If the user has pre-allocated the print output data set, as specified in the PRINTDSN parameter, this data set's record length and record format are not changed. Also note that once the print output data set has been allocated and opened by File Manager, the data set's attributes cannot be changed again, for example, by using a SET command.

If WIDEPRT is set to NO, all printed output exceeding the current record length of the output data set will be truncated without any warning.