IDIUTIL ListHFDUP user exit
The following describes the IDIUTIL ListHFDUP user exit.
This exit can be used to control the listing of an abend instance during history file management using the IDIUTIL batch utility with the LISTHFDUP control statement (for details, see LISTHFDUP control statement). This control is provided by setting the data area field UTL.PERFORM_ACTION to 'Y' if the entry should be listed, or to 'N' if not. The field UTL.PERFORM_ACTION is set to 'Y' before invoking the exit. Additionally, UTL.DUP_TYPE is provided, which provides information about the current abend instance type of duplicate. See UTL - IDIUTIL Batch Utility user exit parameter list for details about the UTL data area.
The abend instances for which the user exit is invoked are those that match the specified LISTHFDUP control statement criteria.
When invoked
This exit is invoked once for each abend instance in a history file whenever the IDIUTIL batch utility is executed using the LISTHFDUP control statement.
How parameters are passed to the exit depends on the exit type, REXX or load module.
Fault Analyzer initializes the parameter lists using current values for the particular abend instance and processing options in effect before invoking the IDIUTIL ListHFDup user exit.
- ENV.
Contains defined symbols for all fields in the ENV data area (see ENV - Common exit environment information).
- UTL.
Contains defined symbols for all fields in the UTL data area (see UTL - IDIUTIL Batch Utility user exit parameter list).
The defined variable names are identical to the field names. For example, to access the field VERSION in the ENV data area, use the REXX variable ENV.VERSION.
Load module
- 31-bit ENV address in word 1.
Address of an ENV data area (see ENV - Common exit environment information).
- 31-bit UTL address in word 2.
Address of a UTL data area (see UTL - IDIUTIL Batch Utility user exit parameter list).
Note: The high-order bit is on to indicate that this parameter is the last parameter passed.
The following is an example of an IDIUTIL ListHFDUP user exit that is written in REXX.
/* REXX */
if ENV.VERSION <> 5 then
say 'Note: ENV data area version change - field usage review required!'
if UTL.VERSION <> 2 then
say 'Note: UTL data area version change - field usage review required!'
if UTL.DUP_TYPE = 'F' /* If it is a CICSFast duplicate */
UTL.PERFORM_ACTION = 'Y' /* list current entry */
UTL.PERFORM_ACTION = 'N' /* otherwise don't */
in your IDIUTIL
batch utility history file management job would cause the exit to be invoked.