Displaying storage locations
To display storage locations, place the cursor on any yellow point-and-shoot address (for example, a register value), and press the Enter key. Alternatively, use the SHOW command (see SHOW for details).
File View Services Help ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Dump Storage 17C01380-17C013D7 Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR JOBNAME: IDIVPCOB SYSTEM ABEND: 0C7 MVS2 2019/08/12 13:46:58 Address Offset Hex EBCDIC / ASCII Module IDISCBL1 program IDISCBL1 + X'640', source line # 32 Event 1 Program IDISCBL1 GPR 1 + X'1051' Event 1 Program IDISCBL1 GPR 10 + X'1300' Event 1 Program IDISCBL1 GPR 11 + X'1008' Event 1 Program IDISCBL1 GPR 12 + X'1348' Event 1 Program IDISCBL1 GPR 14 + X'680' Event 1 Program IDISCBL1 GPR 3 + X'600' Event 1 Program IDISCBL1 GPR 4 + X'1544' 17C01380 20004160 61345060 5108D203 510C310A *...-/.&-..K.....* 17C01390 +10 D2035110 310E5860 20085060 5114D20B *K......-..&-..K.* 17C013A0 +20 51183112 58602004 50605128 58602008 *.....-..&-...-..* 17C013B0 +30 5060512C D2175130 311E98EC D00C07FE *&-..K.....q.}...* Module IDISCBL1 CSECT CEESG005 17C013C0 +40 E2F0F0F5 00140001 00000000 00000000 *S005............* 17C013D0 +50 00000000 00000000 *........ * Module IDISCBL1 CSECT CEEBETBL F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Up F8=Down F10=Prev F11=Next
The character-interpreted section on the right-hand side of the hex data is generally displayed as EBCDIC. To instead display the data as ASCII, place the cursor on the ASCII point-and-shoot field and press Enter. With the cursor now on the EBCDIC point-and-shoot field, pressing Enter a second time reverts to the EBCDIC display.
Placing the cursor anywhere in the hexadecimal storage display area, and pressing the Enter key, takes you to the selected address. If the point-and-shoot field in which the cursor is placed is fewer than 8 digits, then it is padded with leading zeroes to form an 8-digit 31-bit address.
Overtyping the first two digits of an 8-digit address point-and-shoot field with zeroes, immediately prior to pressing the Enter key, ensures that the address is interpreted as a 24-bit address.
00000001 80109020
and either overtyping the last digit of the first field like this:
0000000_ 80109020
or the first digit of the second field like this:
00000001 _0109020
results in the 64-bit address 00000001_80109020 being displayed. As with 31-bit
addresses, the second half of the 64-bit address is padded with leading zeroes
to 8-digits.A record is maintained of the last 10 addresses displayed. You can use the PREV (PF10) or NEXT (PF11) commands to redisplay areas previously selected.
The number of bytes per line shown depends on the visible width, not the current preferred formatting width. 32 bytes per line are shown if the visible width permits, otherwise 16 bytes are shown.
If available, a description of the initially selected address is provided, along with descriptions of the beginning of other storage areas, such as modules and programs, and any user notes (see Sample Dump Storage display).
Note that event numbers in descriptions that include these, such as Event 1 Program IDISCBL1 GPR 1 +
in Sample Dump Storage display, refer to event numbers in the Full event summary. If the Application Only
setting is in effect for the event summary, event numbers might not match the storage descriptions. For
additional information about the different event summary settings, see Primary option: Event Summary.
The FIND command used from this display behaves differently from that of all other displays, since it is the minidump which is searched instead of the formatted display itself. For details, see FIND command: differences between display types.
To display storage ahead of, or following, the storage in the current display, use the UP/DOWN commands as appropriate (usually mapped to PF7/PF8). Alternatively, an offset can be entered on the command line in the format:
or -D4
If @ is entered, followed by either + or -, and a valid hexadecimal offset, then the specified offset from the original address at offset 0 is displayed.