Viewing a saved report

To view the saved report that is associated with a fault, enter V (or S) against the entry in the history file display. Sample Saved Report display shows a sample Saved Report display.
Figure 1. Sample Saved Report display
  File  View  Services  Help
Saved Report                                                   Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
- Expand all / + Collapse all
* IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS V15R1M05 (UI97160  2024/06/04)
* Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2017.  All rights reserved.                    
* Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd 2017, 2024.  All rights reserved.   

JOBNAME: IDIVPPL2  SYSTEM ABEND: 0C9              FAE1      2019/06/22  09:28:

+ <H1> S Y N O P S I S
+ <H1> E V E N T   S U M M A R Y
+ <H1> E V E N T   D E T A I L S
+ <H2> EVENT 1 OF 5: CALL (DSA ADDRESS 00034018)
+ <H2> EVENT 2 OF 5: CALL (DSA ADDRESS 000340E0)
+ <H2> EVENT 3 OF 5: CALL (DSA ADDRESS 000341D0)
+ <H2> EVENT 4 OF 5: CALL (DSA ADDRESS 00034390)
+ <H3> Associated Storage Areas
 F1=Help      F3=Exit      F5=RptFind   F7=Up        F8=Down     F10=Left

Use the scroll keys (PF7/PF8/PF10/PF11) to view the entire report.

The report viewed from the history file is normally the same as the real-time report inserted in your job output on the JES spool.

However, if no report was written to the fault entry when it was first created, then a pseudo batch reanalysis report is added whenever possible the first time an attempt is made to view it with the 'V' or 'S' line command, provided that the user has update access to the history file. Fault entries without real-time reports are those created with the DeferredReport option in effect, or recovery fault recording fault entries.

Since the report that can be viewed might be a real-time report, or might be a batch reanalysis report created and saved at a later stage, the common term "saved report" is used to refer to the report that is contained in the fault entry.

Note that the Batch Reanalysis Options, not the Interactive Reanalysis Options, are used when creating the saved report.

If an attempt is made to view the saved report for a fault entry that does not contain one, and it is not possible to create one either, then, if the fault entry contains a minidump or an associated MVS dump exists, interactive reanalysis is automatically performed instead as if the 'I' line command had been used. This process is the case for CICS® system dump fault entries, or for any fault entries without a saved report in a history file to which the user does not have update access.

To enable easier navigation, individual sections of the report can be collapsed or expanded by placing the cursor on the + or - sign point-and-shoot fields preceding each report heading, and pressing the Enter key:

  • If a - sign is shown, then the section is currently expanded and, if the cursor is placed on the - and the Enter key is pressed, the section is collapsed.
  • If a + sign is shown, then the section is currently collapsed and, if the cursor is placed on the + and the Enter key is pressed, the section is expanded.

Only the heading line itself is visible for collapsed report sections.

At the top of the display are two +/- point-and-shoot fields that permit all report sections to be expanded or collapsed collectively. Whenever one of these is selected, the current setting is saved in the user's ISPF profile and used as the initial setting on any subsequent saved report displays.