Fault Analyzer messages

These messages are issued by Fault Analyzer.


Fault Analyzer version-info invoked by exit-name using config-member

Fault Analyzer was invoked for real-time analysis. In the message text:
  • version-info provides information about the version of Fault Analyzer used and the current maintenance level.
  • exit-name identifies the exit which invoked Fault Analyzer.
  • config-member is the data set and member name containing the parmlib configuration options, or indicates the use of default options if no configuration member could be found.

Normal processing continues.




Fault analysis has completed. In the message text, analysis-summary provides a brief summary of the problem. The analysis summary is typically presented in the format:
[point-of-failure:] symptom
The point in the user application at which the error occurred, or where control left the user application prior to the error. If available, module name, program or CSECT name, offset, and source line number or compiler listing statement number is provided.
The type of error that occurred (for example, the initial abend code).

Normal processing continues.



Fault ID faultid assigned in history file history-file-name

Fault Analyzer has completed real-time analysis and has assigned the fault identifier faultid in the history file history-file-name to this abend.

Processing has ended.



The input dump data set data-set-name could not be opened because: reason

The dump data set identified by data-set-name could not be opened for reanalysis for the reason that is identified in reason.

Processing terminates.

Correct the data set name and resubmit the job.


module-name:line-number Storage allocation for dec-count (X'hex-count') bytes failed - processing terminated

An out-of-storage condition has occurred.

Processing terminates.

Specify a larger region size and resubmit the job—see Storage recommendations for more information. If using TSO, specify a larger region size on the logon panel.

Fault Analyzer deliberately attempts not to use up all available 31-bit storage before issuing this message, as using up all storage might cause MVS to use 24-bit storage instead with possibly disastrous consequences for non-terminating address spaces, such as CICS® regions.


Open of context data set data-set-name failed because: reason

The data set identified by data-set-name could not be opened for the reason that is identified in reason.

The context in which the data set was attempted opened is provided in context. This context might be an associated DDname, or some other description of the type of data set involved.

When reason is in the form of
DYNALLOC error=error-code info=info-code
then refer to z/OS®: MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for information about the error and info codes.
The reasons for some of the more common DYNALLOC info codes are as follows:
Info code
Data set is allocated to another job.
Data set not found.

Processing attempts to continue without the use of this data set.

Determine the reason for the open failure and resubmit the job.


GETMAIN failed resource-name rc=return-code

An out-of-storage condition has occurred.

Processing terminates.

Specify a larger region size and resubmit the job.


CSVINFO error, rc=return-code

An error occurred using the CSVINFO service.

Processing terminates.

This might be an internal error. Contact IBM Support.



An error occurred while using the Binder.

Processing terminates.

This might be an internal error. Contact IBM Support.


IEWBIND error function module-name rc=reason-code

A call to the MVS Binder program was unsuccessful. In the message text, function identifies the type of function requested, module-name is the module attempted bound, and reason-code is the reason code returned by the Binder.
Note: The value in reason-code is the Binder API reason code. The Binder API reason codes can be found in z/OS®: MVS Program Management: Advanced Facilities.

Processing continues but analysis might be incomplete.

This might be an internal error. Contact IBM Support.


Abend abend-code occurred in Fault Analyzer analysis

An abend occurred in Fault Analyzer.

Processing terminates.

This is an internal error. Contact IBM Support.


Abend abend-code occurred in abend exit processing,

An abend occurred in Fault Analyzer. This message is followed by message IDI0013S.

Processing terminates.

This is an internal error. Contact IBM Support. Ensure that the SVC dump written by Fault Analyzer is kept for later analysis.


R15=r15-value PSW=program-status-word DCAPSUB=base-reg-value

This message follows message IDI0012S.

See message IDI0012S.

See message IDI0012S.


MTRACE error calling IEEMB879 for buffer accumulation, rc=rc.

An error occurred during MTRACE processing.

Processing of MTRACE is terminated and information about console messages might be missing in the Fault History file.

This might be an internal error. Contact IBM Support.


Message message-number was not found for display

An unsuccessful attempt was made to issue the message identified by message-number.

Processing continues.

This is an internal error. Contact IBM Support.


Abend abend-code during fault history file OPEN/READ processing

During real-time processing, an abend occurred while attempting to OPEN or READ the history file.

Processing continues, however, no fault entry is created and no duplicate counts is updated.

Determine the reason for the abend.


Parmlib member read error: reason

A problem occurred while attempting to open or read the IDICNFxx parmlib configuration member. The reason for the error is provided in reason.

Processing continues without the use of the IDICNFxx parmlib member.

Ensure that an IDICNFxx member exists in the logical parmlib concatenation, or in the alternative parmlib data set specified via the IDIOPTLM configuration-options module CNFDSN setting. For details, see Customize Fault Analyzer by using an IDIOPTLM configuration-options module.


options-source syntax error on line line-number column column-number: reason

A syntax error was encountered while processing options that are specified in options-source, where options-source is one of the following:
Analysis Control user exit
The option was provided by an Analysis Control user exit.
Environment variable _IDI_OPTS
The option was provided through the _IDI_OPTS environment variable.
Options line for interactive reanalysis
The option was specified in the "Options line for interactive reanalysis" field on the Interactive Reanalysis Options display, which is shown when selecting "Interactive Reanalysis Options..." from the action bar Options pull-down menu.
PARM field
The option was specified in one of these places:
  • The PARM field of the EXEC card for PGM=IDIDA in a batch reanalysis job.
  • The Options line for batch reanalysis field on the Batch Reanalysis Options display. This field is shown when selecting Batch Reanalysis Options... from the action bar Options pull-down menu.
Parmlib config member
The option was specified in the IDICNFxx parmlib member, or in a data set and member identified by an IDICNFUM user-options module.
User options file
The option was specified through the IDIOPTS DDname.

Processing continues.

Correct the error and resubmit your job.


options-source contained invalid option option

An invalid option was encountered while processing options that are specified in options-source. For the possible values of options-source, see message IDI0019W.

The option option is ignored and processing continues.

Correct the error and resubmit your job.


Allocation failed: DD=ddname DSN=data-set-name RC=return-code Error=error-code Info=info-code

Dynamic data set allocation failed.

Processing continues without the data set identified in data-set-name.

Refer to z/OS®: MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for information about the return code, error code, and info code.


Suboption(s) missing for options-source option option

An option with missing required suboptions(s) was encountered while processing options that are specified in options-source. For the possible values of options-source, see message IDI0019W.

Processing continues with default value for option option.

Correct the error and resubmit your job.


Suboption(s) ignored for options-source option option

An option in options-source invalidly specified one or more suboptions when no suboptions were allowed. For the possible values of options-source, see message IDI0019W.

Processing continues with default value for option option.

Correct the error and resubmit your job.


Concatenation failed for DSN=data-set-name to DD=ddname RC=return-code Error=error-codeInfo=info-code

Dynamic data set concatenation failed.

Processing continues without the data set identified in data-set-name.

Refer to z/OS®: MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for information about the return code, error code, and info code.


Suboption sub-opt invalid for options-source option option

An option in options-source specified one or more invalid suboptions. For the possible values of options-source, see message IDI0019W.

Processing continues with default value for option option.

Correct the error and resubmit your job.


Information retrieval failed for DD=ddname RC=return-code Error=error-code Info=info-code

Dynamic allocation information retrieval failed.

Processing continues without the data set identified in data-set-name.

Refer to z/OS®: MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for information about the return code, error code, and info code.


Fetch/load failed for module module-name

An attempt to fetch or load module module-name failed.

If module-name is IPVLANGX or IPVLANGP (or their aliases IDILANGX or IDILANGP), then these modules are provided by ADFz Common Components and must be available via LINKLIST or LPA. See Making Fault Analyzer modules available for details.

If module-name is not IPVLANGX or IPVLANGP (or their aliases IDILANGX or IDILANGP), or this message was not issued while using the IBM Fault Analyzer plug-in for Eclipse, processing continues without module module-name. However, depending on the functionality of the subject load module, processing might be incomplete.

If module-name is IPVLANGX or IPVLANGP (or their aliases IDILANGX or IDILANGP), and this message was issued while using the IBM Fault Analyzer plug-in for Eclipse, the Fault Analyzer process of the ADFz server terminates, resulting in the inability to use the IBM Fault Analyzer plug-in for Eclipse.

Contact your systems programmer.


Error reading user options file

An error occurred while reading the user options file via DDname IDIOPTS.

Processing continues without the user options file.

This might be an internal error. Contact IBM® Support.


options-source options syntax error at offset offset: reason

A syntax error was encountered while processing options that are specified in options-source, where options-source is one of the following:
PARM field
This field is the JCL EXEC statement PARM field specified in a job that executes program IDIDA.
Environment variable _IDI_OPTS
This environment variable is set by the abending application.

Processing continues.

Correct the error and resubmit your job.


Allocation to SYSOUT=(class,,form-name) failed: DD=ddname RC=return-code Error=error-code Info=info-code

Dynamic allocation of JES spool data set failed.

Processing continues without the DDname identified in ddname.

Refer to z/OS®: MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for information about the return code, error code, and info code.


Open of DD=ddname failed: reason

An unsuccessful attempt was made to open DDname ddname.

Processing continues without the DDname identified in ddname.

Refer to reason for a possible explanation.


I/O error writing report: reason

An I/O error occurred while writing the analysis report.

Processing continues, however, the analysis report might be missing information.

Refer to reason for a possible explanation.


I/O error writing to history-file-dsn: System abend abend-code-reason-code reason-text

An I/O error occurred while writing a fault history record to the history file data set shown in history-file-dsn.

Processing continues, however, the history file does not contain information for the current job.

Refer to abend-code, reason-code and reason-text for a possible explanation.


Fault analysis skipped due to: reason

A job was excluded from fault analysis for the reason that is identified in reason as one of the following:
  • EXCLUDE option specification (FAST)

    A match for the current fault was found during fast Exclude options processing (see Fast Exclude options processing).

  • Parmlib config member Exclude option specification

    An Exclude option that is specified in the IDICNFxx configuration member matched the current fault attributes. No subsequent Include or Exclude option specifications in a user options file matched, and no attempt was made to override the exclusion by an Analysis Control user exit.

  • User options file Exclude option specification

    An Exclude option that is specified in the IDIOPTS user options file matched the current fault attributes. No attempt was made to override the exclusion by an Analysis Control user exit.

  • Analysis Control user exit request

    No Exclude option specification in either the IDICNFxx configuration member or the IDIOPTS user options file matched the current fault attributes. Instead, an Analysis Control user exit requested the exclusion.

  • Abend abend-code during options processing

    An abend occurred during real-time options processing.

No fault analysis is performed.

If an abend occurred, and the problem persists, contact IBM Support.


No dump records found in data-set-name

An attempt was made to read a dump data set during reanalysis, but the dump data set did not contain any data.

Fault Analyzer attempts to continue without using the dump data set.

Ensure that the correct dump data set was specified to Fault Analyzer.


Abend abend-code during processing of exit-type user exit exit-name--refer to message explanation for problem determination information

An abend occurred during execution of a user exit. In the message text, abend-code is the type of abend that occurred, exit-type is the type of user exit that abended, and exit-name is the name of the user exit.

Processing continues but no further calls are made to this exit.

To obtain a dump of this situation for debugging purposes, allocate DDname IDITRACE to anything other than DUMMY and a dump data set to the abending job using, for example, the following JCL statements:


Incomplete fault history file record detected

An error occurred when attempting to open a fault entry for reanalysis.

The reanalysis is terminated.

If the problem persists, contact IBM® Support.


I/O error writing to softcopy book cache: reason

An error occurred when attempting to write to the softcopy book cache data set.

Processing continues.

Refer to reason for a possible explanation. If problems persist, delete and reallocate the data set.


Dump data set data-set-name with timestamp timestamp might not match current history file fault entry

The dump header record timestamp in the dump data set name was either more than five minutes earlier than or more than 35 minutes later than the timestamp recorded in the current history file fault entry.

Processing continues.

Ensure that the dump data set has not been reused or restored with the contents of a dump from another fault.


Fetch failed for message module module-name - using language old-language-option instead of new-language-option

An attempt to bring a multicultural support message module into storage failed. The load module name identified in module-name is composed of IDIHM followed by the Language option in effect. Either the specified language identifier is unsupported or the load module library in which the module resides was not found in the MVS search path.

The current Language option setting shown in old-language-option is retained.

Ensure that the Language option specifies a supported language identifier (see Language) and that the load module is available to Fault Analyzer through the normal MVS search path.


Current fault is a duplicate of fault ID faultid - the duplicate count is count

As the result of the NoDup(NORMAL(hours)) option in effect, Fault Analyzer determined that the current fault was a duplicate of an existing fault in the same history file. The duplicate count of the existing fault is incremented by one and is displayed as count in the message. Refer to NoDup for the conditions that are used to determine the duplicate fault.

Processing continues. Unless an End Processing user exit is used to change the normal behavior of duplicate fault processing, both the system dump (if any) and the history file entry is suppressed.



MVS SVC dump registration skipped due to: reason

MVS SVC dump registration via the Fault Analyzer IDIXTSEL post-dump exit was not performed for the reason that is identified in reason as one of the following:
  • Parmlib config member Exclude option specification

    An Exclude option that is specified in the IDICNFxx configuration member matched the current fault attributes. No subsequent Include or Exclude option specifications in a user options file matched, and no attempt was made to override the exclusion by an Analysis Control (dump registration) user exit.

  • Analysis Control user exit request

    No Exclude option specification in the IDICNFxx configuration member matched the current fault attributes. Instead, an Analysis Control (dump registration) user exit requested the exclusion.

  • Abend abend-code during options processing

    An abend occurred during options processing.

No fault entry is created.



IBM Fault Analyzer internal abend abend-code

Fault Analyzer terminated abnormally with the abend code shown.

This message is equivalent to the IDI0120S message, but issued under different circumstances.

Processing terminates.

Contact IBM Support.

A dump taken at the time of the IDI0047S message being issued is required for problem analysis. If no existing recovery fault recording dump is available, one can be obtained by setting the following SLIP trap before recreating the problem:


Incomplete minidump: Expected expected-pages pages, read read-pages pages

During real-time analysis, the number of minidump pages that was expected to be saved in the history file was expected-pages. However, only read-pages was found during reanalysis.

Processing continues.

If read-pages is less than expected-pages, contact IBM Support.


Fault ID faultid not found in history file

A non-existing fault identifier was specified in the FaultID option.

Processing terminates.

Ensure that the history file that is used contains the fault ID specified in the FaultID option.


Fault reanalysis attempted without FaultID or DumpDSN option specified

Reanalysis of a fault was attempted but neither the FaultID option, nor the DumpDSN option, was specified. Without either of these, Fault Analyzer cannot perform fault reanalysis.

Processing terminates.

Specify either the FaultID or the DumpDSN option and retry the reanalysis.


count page minidump suppressed from the fault entry being created

A minidump consisting of count 4K pages was suppressed by Fault Analyzer and therefore not written to the history file with the fault entry being created. However, the remainder of the fault entry is still attempted written. The suppression might be due to the maximum number of minidump pages having been exceeded, or a decision made by an invoked End Processing user exit.

Processing continues.



Fault history file entry suppressed due to: reason

No updates were made to the history file for the current fault. The reason for the suppression is provided in reason as one of the following:
DUMMY history file specification
The IDIHIST DDname was specified as DUMMY
History file ENQ timeout
Fault Analyzer was unable to serialize on the history file within a set period of time.
History file access error
If a history file open or read failure, it's likely that message IDI0016E or IDI0078E was issued prior to this message.
Duplicate fault or End Processing user exit
If duplicate fault detection was the reason, then message IDI0044I is issued prior to this message. Otherwise, an End Processing user exit requested suppression.
End Processing user exit
During fault entry refresh processing, an End Processing user exit requested suppression.

Processing continues.

Unless the reason for suppression of the fault entry was that it had either been deemed a duplicate, or a user exit had requested suppression, then if the problem persists, the cause of suppression should be investigated. Check if earlier issued messages provide more information, or check if another user or job continues to hold an ENQ against the history file.


Fault Analyzer processing excluded because num MB of 31-bit storage is not currently available

Not enough above-the-line storage was available in the region for analysis to be performed.

Processing terminates.

Ensure that at least num MB of above-the-line storage are available in the region to abending jobs that should be analyzed by Fault Analyzer. The necessary storage can be made available by using the JOB or EXEC JCL statement REGION parameter. See Storage recommendations.
  • Due to the MVS implementation of the REGION parameter, it might not be sufficient to simply add the required amount of storage to the value in an already specified REGION parameter.
  • For CICS®, this entire amount of storage must be provided through the JOB or EXEC JCL statement REGION parameter; not through the EDSALIM parameter.

Although Fault Analyzer was unable to perform real-time analysis due to storage constraints, recovery fault recording (see Recovery fault recording) is attempted in a non-CICS environment.


REXX environment initialization failed, IRXINIT rc=rc reason=reason

At attempt to initialize a REXX environment failed. In the message text, rc is the return code and reason is the reason code returned by the REXX initialization routine, IRXINIT. For information about the return and reason codes, see z/OS®: TSO/E REXX Reference.

Processing continues. However, no REXX exec user exits are invoked and no diagnostic information is written to the IDITRACE DDname.

Refer to the description of return and reason codes in z/OS®: TSO/E REXX Reference.


Allocation of temporary work data set failed: Type=type RC=return-code Error=error-code Info=info-code

Dynamic allocation of a temporary work data set failed.

Processing attempts to continue without the data set.

Refer to z/OS®: MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for information about the return code, error code, and info code.


Logical parmlib concatenation list error: RC=return-code Reason=reason

An attempt to use the logical parmlib list service to determine the data sets contained in the logical parmlib concatenation failed.

Processing continues without the use of the IDICNFxx parmlib member.

Refer to z/OS®: MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference for information about the return and reason codes.


Data set organization of history file data-set-name is not PDS or PDSE

Fault Analyzer was invoked using an invalid format history file data set.

Processing continues, but a fault entry cannot be written.

Ensure that the history file is either PDS or PDSE.


Error in file data-set-name. reason

An error identified in reason occurred when reading data set data-set-name.

Processing attempts to continue.

Message IDI0062W might be issued for a particular fault entry, or for the $$INDEX member. If message IDI0062W is issued for the $$INDEX member due to a corrupted HI segment, an attempt will be made to automatically recover the HI segment from the $$BACKUP member when the history file is next updated, for example when a new fault entry is written.

Ensure that the data set identified is a valid history file PDS or PDSE, and if necessary, delete the member in error. However, take care not to delete the $$INDEX member, unless the problem persists, as this deletion might result in the loss of duplicate fault information.


Deletion of file data-set-name failed. reason

An attempt to delete data set data-set-name failed. The reason is identified in reason.

Processing attempts to continue.

Refer to the identified reason for the failure to delete the data set.


CICS Exit command failed. Response=response reason=reason

A CICS® command failed.

The following table lists the possible response codes:

Table 1. Response codes
Response code Meaning
1 OK
2 Exception
3 Disaster
4 Invalid
5 Kernel error
6 Purged

The reason codes are associated with each command:

Table 2. Reason codes

This table has two columns. Subheader rows and the comment "(No applicable reason codes)" span the two columns.

Reason code Meaning
(No applicable reason codes)
1 Insufficient storage
1 DPL program
2 No transaction environment
3 Transaction domain error
4 Invalid function
5 Abend
6 Loop
7 Inquiry failed
1 No transaction environment
3 Buffer too small
7 Invalid transaction token
37 Abend
39 Loop
(No applicable reason codes)
(No applicable reason codes)
3 Task canceled
4 Timed out

Processing attempts to continue.

Refer to the identified reason for the failure.


CICS Exit action failed. Return code=rc

An action performed in the CICS® invocation exit failed.

Processing attempts to continue.

Refer to the identified action and return code for the failure.


CICS Fast No Dup processing for task task-number found duplicate for program-name abend-code fault-id

As the result of the NoDup(CICSFAST(…)) option in effect, Fault Analyzer determined that a CICS® transaction abend was a duplicate of a previous CICS® transaction abend. Refer to NoDup for the conditions that are used to determine the duplicate fault.

In the message text, fault-id identifies the fault ID of which the current fault was deemed to be a duplicate.

Processing continues without creating a history file entry for the abending CICS® transaction.



Fault Analyzer SubTask for token has been executing for num minutes.

This message occurs for CICS® if a task abend has been running the Fault Analyzer SubTask for more than 10 minutes and a new CICS® task abend is also needing to do Fault Analyzer SubTask Processing. The condition could occur if CPU utilization on the system is very high preventing the analysis from occurring in a reasonable time, or it could indicate a problem with Fault Analyzer SubTask processing.

Processing continues.



command-name failed. Resp=response-code field=value

An unknown error has occurred.

Processing attempts to continue.

Contact IBM Support. If possible, send the joblog.


function-name of program program-name (api,concurrency) completed successfully

This message is a confirmation that the command that was issued has completed.

Processing terminates.



Program program-name is status

This message provides the current exit program name and status.

Processing continues.



Usage: CFA <Install|Uninstall>

The arguments passed to the CFA transaction were incorrect. The message provides the user with a brief reminder of the correct usage.

Processing continues.



User not authorized to issue command command-name

The user that is associated with the issuing task is not authorized to use this command or is not authorized to access resources in the way required by this command.

The attempted command was not successful.

Ensure that the necessary command authority is provided.


IDIXCCEE CICS exit must abort. CICS SOS pending.

Not enough storage was available to initiate analysis. This lack of storage might happen during times of high CICS® system activity or when multiple CICS® transaction abends are being analyzed concurrently by Fault Analyzer.

Processing terminates.

If the problem did not occur due to high CICS® system activity or the analysis of multiple concurrent CICS® transaction abends, try increasing the CICS® DSA size.


A Fault Analyzer CSVINFO MIPR routine abend occurred

An abend occurred during the processing of a CSVINFO macro to retrieve information about a load module.

CSVINFO processing terminates for the load module.

Contact IBM Support.


Fault Analyzer internal diagnostic: text

This message is an internal Fault Analyzer message used to display specific diagnostic information.

Processing continues.



Open of fault history file data-set-name failed because: reason

The history file that was identified by data-set-name could not be opened for the reason that is identified in reason.

If reason is shown as "DDfopenw() rc=X'800sssrc'", then this reason indicates an abend during open processing, where:
The hexadecimal MVS system abend code.
The associated hexadecimal reason code.

A fault entry might not have been written to the history file.

Determine the reason for the open failure and resubmit the job. Check that the attributes for the file definition are VB LRECL 10000 PDS or PDSE. If the history file is a PDSE that is shared across a sysplex, then refer to Sharing of history files across a sysplex for more information.


IEWBIND unusual condition function module-name rc=reason-code

An error occurred while using the Binder.

A reason-code of 83000526 indicates an unusual condition encountered for an input module. This condition occurs when a third-party product adds its own management information to a load module. To suppress this message, use Quiet(IDI0081I).

Processing continues.

The value in reason-code is the Binder API reason code. The Binder API reason codes can be found in z/OS®: MVS Program Management: Advanced Facilities.


DB2 subsys-id Call Level Interface error: reason

An attempt to obtain DB2® information through the DB2® Call Level Interface (CLI) failed for the DB2® subsystem identified by subsys-id. Refer to reason for details about the error.

Processing continues but analysis might be incomplete.

Ensure that the DB2® Call Level Interface is installed and required setup has been performed. An application plan to bind DBRMs to packages must exist. A default application plan can be created using the sample job in member DSNTIJCL of the DB2® SDSNSAMP data set (for further information, see Binding DB2).

If reason is "SQL return code -1 for SQLAllocConnect to DB2® system system-name", then the problem is likely to be resolved by starting the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem as explained in Using the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem.

Included in the message reason is normally the result of calling the SQLError ODBC function, which provides more detailed information about the error. Of particular interest is the 8-digit hexadecimal reason code following the REASON= keyword (for example, REASON=00f30034). The explanation for this reason code can be found in DB2® for z/OS®: Codes


Fault Analyzer SVC error: reason

An error occurred during the Fault Analyzer SVC execution. Refer to reason for details about the error.

Intermittent occurrences of this message can be expected since Fault Analyzer traverses subsystem address spaces without holding any locks.

Processing continues but analysis might be incomplete.

Contact IBM Support if the problem persists. If reason indicates an abend during the Fault Analyzer SVC execution, an SVC dump should have been written. Retain this dump for diagnostic purposes.


Fault Analyzer Exit and Main task level mismatch

An invocation exit was found to be at a different version or maintenance level than the main Fault Analyzer module, IDIDA.

Processing continues but errors might occur.

Ensure that all Fault Analyzer modules used are at the same version and maintenance level.


Fault Analyzer purged, detaching subtask TCB

An abending CICS® task was running Fault Analyzer when the task was purged by the operator. Fault Analyzer is detaching its analysis subtask TCB.

Processing terminates.



Fault Analyzer processing excluded because size k of 24 bit storage is not currently available

Not enough below-the-line storage was available for analysis to be performed. The size indicates the amount of storage required in kilobytes.

Fault analysis is excluded for the current fault.

Ensure that sufficient below-the-line storage is available. For more information, see Storage recommendations.

Although Fault Analyzer was unable to perform real-time analysis due to storage constraints, recovery fault recording (see Recovery fault recording) is attempted in a non-CICS environment.


size Meg of 31 bit storage could be provided by SETPROG LPA,ADD,MOD(module-list),DSN=LNKLST

When analysis could not be performed due to insufficient above-the-line storage, and all required modules of significant size have not yet been loaded into LPA, this message is issued to indicate the region size space savings that could be achieved if loading these modules into LPA. For more information, see Storage recommendations.

Message IDI0055E precedes this message to indicate the required above-the-line region size that could not be obtained.

Processing terminates.

Ensure that the amount of above-the-line storage indicated in message IDI0055E is made available. By issuing the SETPROG command provided in the text for this message, the number of megabytes indicated in size can be made available.

Note: Ensure ECSA size is sufficient to accommodate the additional storage required by the SETPROG LPA,ADD command.


Fault Analyzer captured IEWBIND abend abend-code, processing continues

While attempting to map CSECTs in a load module, Fault Analyzer invoked the Binder program which abnormally terminated with the abend code indicated.

The abend code is in the format xxxyyy, where xxx is a 3-digit hexadecimal system abend code and yyy is the 3-digit hexadecimal representation of a 4-digit decimal user abend code.

Processing continues, but module information might be incomplete.

Determine the reason for the Binder failure.


Fault Analyzer Subsystem task name RC=rc, Rsn=rsn description

If available, the Fault Analyzer subsystem task name is provided in task-name. This message is issued when an unexpected condition occurred in the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem interface.

Included in the message description might be the result of calling the SQLError ODBC function, which provides more detailed information about the error. Of particular interest is the 8-digit hexadecimal reason code following the REASON= keyword (for example, REASON=00f30034). The explanation for this reason code can be found in DB2® for z/OS®: Codes

Processing continues, but the analysis might be incomplete.

See if another message, such as IDI0082E, was also issued, which might help explain the situation.


Execution of REXX exec exec-name failed, IRXEXEC rc=return-code

This message is issued when the execution of a REXX user exit was unsuccessful.

Processing continues although the execution of the exit failed.

Using IDITRACE, look for REXX messages explaining the problem. Refer to z/OS®: TSO/E REXX Reference for explanation of the return code from IRXEXEC. For rc=20, check that the exec shown in exec-name is available in the IDIEXEC concatenation.


GETMAIN failed in IDIXTSEL initial entry

Not enough storage was available for execution of the IDIXTSEL MVS post-dump exit.

Dump registration processing is terminated.



condition exceeded, the subtask is canceled

In the message text, condition might be one of the following:
Short term interval
Environment checking did not complete within the imposed time limit. This check is performed prior to commencing the real-time fault analysis, and the time limit having been exceeded is likely indicative of environmental problems that might otherwise have caused significant delays or hangs during the analysis.
Time for IDIDA execution
Real-time analysis did not complete within the maximum amount of time permitted. The time limit is automatically adjusted based on elapsed time at various checkpoints during the analysis.

Processing is terminated.

Contact IBM Support if the problem persists.

For problem analysis, a dump that was taken when the IDI0092S message was issued is required. If no existing recovery fault recording dump is available, one can be obtained by setting the following SLIP trap before recreating the problem:

To disable the Fault Analyzer wait and loop protection feature for other than short term interval conditions (see "Short term interval" above), the NoLoopProtection option can be used. For details, see LoopProtection.


Binder processing stopped because num meg of 31 bit storage is not currently available

Not enough above-the-line storage is available for successful execution of the Binder.

Binder processing is terminated, but Fault Analyzer analysis continues.

If possible, increase the available 31-bit region size and retry.


Binder processing stopped because num k of 24 bit storage is not currently available

Not enough below-the-line storage is available for successful execution of the Binder.

Binder processing is terminated, but Fault Analyzer analysis continues.

If possible, increase the available 24-bit region size and retry.


Unexpected condition found in source-location description

A condition was encountered which should be reported to IBM Support.

Processing continues.

Contact IBM Support.


CICS Task task-id was force purged by an operator while state fault analysis

Analysis of a CICS® transaction fault has been terminated by operator intervention.

In the message text, task-id identifies the task that was force purged, and state might be either "waiting for" or "performing" to indicate the fault analysis activity that was terminated.

Processing terminates.



Unsupported REXX execution environment detected - no REXX services available

The protection key of the job-step TCB was found to be set to a key other than 8. Since this environment is an environment which is not supported by REXX, then no REXX services are available during the fault analysis. This lack of services includes any calls to REXX user exits and all output to the IDITRACE DDname.

Processing continues without REXX services.



Exit exit-name NOT installed, Fault Analyzer SVC not found

The Fault Analyzer invocation exit, identified in exit-name), was attempted installed. However, since the Fault Analyzer SVC has not yet been installed, processing is terminated.

Processing terminates.

Install the Fault Analyzer SVC (see step 5) and retry.


transaction-id transaction cannot be used, Fault Analyzer SVC not found

The Fault Analyzer CFA transaction (which might be called by another name, identified in transaction-id) was attempted used. However, since the Fault Analyzer SVC has not yet been installed, processing is terminated.

Processing terminates.

Install the Fault Analyzer SVC (see step 5) and retry.


Fault Analyzer not available, Fault Analyzer SVC not found

Fault Analyzer was attempted invoked without the Fault Analyzer SVC having been installed.

Processing terminates.

Install the Fault Analyzer SVC (see step 5) and retry.


Fault Analyzer processing skipped due to CICSDUMPTABLEEXCLUDE option. Abend code abend-code

Analysis of a CICS® transaction fault has been excluded as the result of using the CICSDumpTableExclude option. For details of this option, see CICSDumpTableExclude.

Processing terminates.



Fault Analyzer processing terminated due to inappropriate execution environment

An abend occurred while checking the execution environment prior to commencing fault analysis.

Processing terminates.

Contact IBM Support if the problem persists.


Binder processing of member member-name from data-set-name received a 'not found' condition.

A call to the MVS Binder program was unsuccessful.

Processing continues, but analysis might be incomplete.

Contact IBM Support if the problem persists.


The storage prior and/or after the IDINDFUE work area has been overwritten - processing terminated.

When Fault Analyzer invokes the IDINDFUE program exit, it passes a 256-byte work area. On return from IDINDFUE, Fault Analyzer has detected that the storage surrounding this work area has been overwritten.

Fault Analyzer processing is terminated immediately.

Investigate the IDINDFUE program exit code to determine why the storage has been overwritten.


module-name:line-number Storage allocation for dec-count (X'hex-count') bytes failed - processing terminated

An invalid request for storage has occurred. This message is similar to message IDI0005S, but is used for all storage allocation requests involving a negative length.

Processing terminates.

Contact IBM Support.

A dump taken at the time of the IDI0105S message being issued is required for problem analysis. If no existing recovery fault recording dump is available, one can be obtained by setting the following SLIP trap before recreating the problem:


ENQ timed out for major-name minor-name held by jobname on system-name

The time limit set for an ENQ against the history file, prior to creating a new fault entry, was exceeded. The time limit is approximately 1 minute.

The ENQ resource was held by the job jobname on system system-name.

Although a fault entry is not created, an analysis report is still written to IDIREPRT.

Processing continues.

Determine the reason why the ENQ could not be satisfied. This reason might be a TSO/ISPF user who is editing the history file member.


transaction-id date time exit status

This message is issued whenever the Fault Analyzer Control Transaction (transaction-id) is used to alter the status of one or more of the CICS® exits (identified by exit): XPCABND, XDUREQ, LE Exit, or SDUMP Exit. The status field shows either Uninstalled or Installed.

Processing continues.



The IDIS subsystem will not process data-set-name because it is not a PDSE history file.

This message is issued by the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem when PARM='UPDINDEX' is used and a history file, which is not a PDSE, is attempted opened. In the message text, data-set-name identifies the history file that cannot be cached in the IDIS subsystem.

For more information about IDIS subsystem caching, see Caching of history file $$INDEX data.

Processing continues, but all I/O to the history file $$INDEX member is performed by the requester (real-time analysis, batch or interactive reanalysis, or Fault Analyzer ISPF interface).

If you want to use the potential performance improvements that can be realized by having the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem manage the history file $$INDEX member, then a PDSE history file must be used.


PC recovery entered psw program-status-word abend=abend-word

This message is issued when an error has occurred in the Fault Analyzer subsystem program call interface.

Immediately following this message are usually extra messages that provide more detailed information about the error. For example:
IDISSPC PC recovery IDISSPC=16703250 IDISAMAN=16700000
IDISSPC R0-R3     00000001 171EAE20 80FF28FE 00000002
IDISSPC R4-R7     008A6770 008A69E0 008FD0C8 00F7DA00
IDISSPC R8-R11    00000000 00FF24AC 00000C80 00F7DA00
IDISSPC R12-R15   00000000 00000000 80FF2A2A 808A69E0
IDISSPC AR0-AR3   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
IDISSPC AR4-AR7   00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000
IDISSPC AR8-AR11  00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000
IDISSPC AR12-AR15 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Processing continues, but the subsystem service that failed might cause unexpected results.

If it is a S102 abend, then this problem can happen if the job or task that was requesting services from the Fault Analyzer subsystem was canceled before the subsystem request had completed.

Contact IBM Support if the problem persists.


Timer for IDI0092S has expired but the NoLoopProtection option was set, execution continues

This message is issued if the loop/wait protection feature interval timer expires, but the NoLoopProtection option is in effect.

Processing continues.



db2_name SYSIBM.SYSDBRM access time took num_secs seconds, further IDIS requests for this table suspended for 30 minutes—create index on SYSIBM.SYSDBRM for improved performance

This message is issued if the IDIS subsystem attempts to query the SYSIBM.SYSDBRM DB2® catalog table for DB2® subsystem name db2_name exceeded the expected maximum time indicated by the num_secs value. No further attempts to access the SYSIBM.SYSDBRM table on the identified DB2® subsystem is made for 30 minutes.

Processing continues, but some DB2-related information might be missing from the analysis report for the fault that caused this message to be issued, as well as for any subsequent faults involving the same DB2® subsystem.

Create an index on SYSIBM.SYSDBRM for improved performance. For details, see Improving Fault Analyzer DB2 performance.


Subtask tcb-addr(description) return ECB=ecb-value during problem reanalysis under CICS®

An error occurred while performing interactive reanalysis under CICS®. This error might be caused by an abend, or by an incomplete setup of the interactive reanalysis component under CICS® (see Performing interactive reanalysis under CICS).

Interactive reanalysis terminated.

Check for other messages that might help explain the problem. Contact IBM Support if the problem persists.


XMEM POST ABEND S102, requester termination

This problem can happen if the job or task that was requesting services from the Fault Analyzer subsystem was canceled before the subsystem request had completed.

The analysis has already been canceled.

Contact IBM Support if the problem persists.


LE enclave abend system-abend-code user-abend-code, execution continues

An abend occurred during the fault analysis.

Processing continues.

If the problem persists, contact IBM Support.


IPVLANGX abend abend-code, execution continues

An abend occurred in the IDILANGX program.

Processing continues, but source-level information might be incomplete.

If the problem persists, contact IBM Support.


ABEND<abend-code> during return POST, request from task jobname job-id may have been canceled

An abend occurred in the Fault Analyzer subsystem POST processing. This abend might have been caused by a CANCEL of the request from the task identified by jobname and job-id.

Processing continues.

If the problem persists, contact IBM Support.


CICS task task-number abend abend-code analysis skipped due to max waiting exceeded. CICSFAtasks(max_slots,max_waits)

The maximum number of faults allowed to be queued for analysis had already been reached when another fault occurred. This limit is controlled by the CICSFAtasks suboption of the DeferredReport option, and the current values in effect are provided in the message text.

Analysis is skipped, and normal CICS® transaction dump analysis needs to be performed (that is, not using Fault Analyzer).

Unless the maximum values are already in effect, the CICSFAtasks suboption of the DeferredReport option can be used to permit more parallel execution tasks to be used, or to increase the number of faults that are allowed to be waiting for analysis. See DeferredReport.


IDIS subsystem request server-id resource-id by jobname job-id has hung and will be canceled

The Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem has detected that a request has not terminated as expected.

The request is canceled.

If the problem persists, contact IBM Support.


IBM Fault Analyzer internal abend system-abend-code user-abend-code

Fault Analyzer terminated abnormally with either system abend code system-abend-code or user abend code user-abend-code.

This message is equivalent to the IDI0047S message, but issued under different circumstances.

Processing terminates.

Check for previously issued severe (S-level) Fault Analyzer messages that might explain the reason for the problem (for example, message IDI0005S, which indicates a storage shortage problem). If no prior S-level messages were found, contact IBM Support.


ImageFast NoDup processing found duplicate of ims_pgm fault_id histfile

Fault Analyzer determined that the current fault was an IMS NoDup(ImageFast(…)) duplicate. (For information about IMS NoDup(ImageFast(…)) duplicate detection, see NoDup.) The earlier occurring fault, of which the current fault was deemed to be a duplicate, is identified by the IMS program name (ims_pgm), the assigned fault ID (fault_id), and the history file data set name (histfile).

Processing continues. No fault analysis is performed, but the duplicate count of the earlier occurring fault is incremented, and the duplicate details recorded for later viewing with the Fault Analyzer ISPF interface (see Viewing the fault entry duplicate history).



User exit IDIALLOC command failed: DD=ddname DSN=data-set-name RC=return-code Error=error-code Info=info-code

A REXX user exit issued an IDIALLOC command to dynamically allocate a data set, but the allocation failed.

Processing continues without allocation of the data set identified in data-set-name.

Refer to z/OS®: MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for information about the return code, error code, and info code.


Processing of abend abend-code terminated due to unsupported execution environment: reason

Before or during analysis of the abend shown in abend-code, Fault Analyzer determined that processing could not proceed for one of the following reasons:
  • SUB=MSTR address space

    The address space was started with SUB=MSTR and does therefore not permit SYSOUT allocations.

  • Not full function address space

    The current address space was found to be a limited function address space, which does not support required system services, such as allocation of data sets.

  • System address space

    The started task was a known system address space for which Fault Analyzer analysis is not appropriate and likely to fail.

  • Abend in system task

    The abend occurred under an RB for a system task, such as the IEFIIC initiator TCB.

  • JES not available

    The primary subsystem (JES) was found to be not available.

  • Fault Analyzer invoked during JES shutdown

    Fault Analyzer determined that JES became unavailable during the processing of an abend.

  • Dynamic Allocation not available

    Required Dynamic Allocation services (SVC 99) were found to be not available for the current task.

  • Owning Job-step TCB is abending

    If the current TCB is not the job-step TCB, and the owning job-step TCB is terminating, then load failures are likely to occur.

  • Abend in resource manager

    A resource manager was active for the current TCB.

  • Concurrent analysis in the address space

    To prevent exhausting system resources, only one TCB in a given address space is allowed to perform Fault Analyzer abend analysis at a time. When Fault Analyzer was invoked for the current abend, it was determined that another Fault Analyzer abend analysis was already active, causing the current analysis to be canceled.

  • SYSZTIOT enqueued by TCB tcb-address

    Fault Analyzer was invoked to analyze an abend with the SYSZTIOT major name already enqueued by the TCB identified by the address in tcb-address. An example of when this situation might occur is during shutdown of IMS when Fault Analyzer is invoked for a U0002 abend.

  • TCB Not protect KEY 8 or 9

    Fault Analyzer was invoked to analyze an abend for a task not running in protect key 8 (non-CICS) or 9 (CICS®).

Processing terminates.

Real-time analysis is not possible under these conditions. Fault Analyzer might still be used to aid with the problem determination by setting a SLIP trap using the MSGID=IDI0123S and A=SVCD parameters, and then performing analysis of the resulting SVC dump by way of the Fault Analyzer ISPF interface File menu option 5.


IDIS subsystem subtask server-id resource-id has terminated with abend code abend-code

A subtask in the Fault Analyzer subsystem terminated abnormally.

The Fault Analyzer subsystem subtask is terminated, but is restarted as necessary.

Requester processing continues, but results might be unexpected depending on the type of subsystem request that failed.

If the problem persists, contact IBM Support.


IDIS subsystem subtask server-id resource-id has terminated with return code rc

A subtask in the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem terminated abnormally.

The IDIS subsystem subtask is terminated, but is restarted as necessary.

Requester processing continues, but results might be unexpected depending on the type of subsystem request that failed.

If the problem persists, contact IBM Support.


Recovery fault recording fault ID faultid assigned in history file history-file-name

Fault Analyzer was unable to complete normal real-time analysis, but has created a recovery fault recording fault entry faultid in history file history-file-name. Reanalysis of this fault entry should provide information about the fault that was being analyzed when Fault Analyzer terminated.

Processing has ended.



Recovery fault recording failed for job-id. reason

Recovery fault recording processing failed for the job identified by job-id and the reason that is identified in reason as one of the following:
  • SDUMP suppressed, capture phase of another SVC dump was in progress.

    SDUMP failed with return code 8 and reason code 2, indicating that an SVC dump was suppressed because the capture phase of another SVC dump was in progress.

  • SDUMP DASD space or overload error.

    SDUMP failed with return code 8 and reason code 3E, indicating that SVC dump is already using the maximum amount of virtual storage (as determined by the installation, using the MAXSPACE parameter on the CHNGDUMP command) to process other dumps.

    Typically, the reason for this condition is a shortage of DASD space.

  • SDUMP rc=return-code reason=reason-code error.

    SDUMP failed with return code return-code and reason code reason-code. Refer to z/OS®: MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Volume 3 (LLACOPY-SDUMPX) for an explanation of these codes.

  • RFR requires the IDIS subsystem to be functioning correctly.

    A situation occurred for which recovery fault recording would normally be performed. However, since the IDIS subsystem was not functioning correctly, recovery fault recording was not possible.

Termination continues.

Perform any appropriate action, depending on the reason that is identified.

To enable recovery fault recording, the IDIS subsystem must be started and be functioning.


Recovery fault recording IEATDUMP failure, rc=return-code reason=reason-code dump=data-set-name

An error occurred while attempting to write the IEATDUMP data set during recovery fault recording processing. In the message text, return-code and reason-code are the return and reason codes from the IEATDUMP service, while data-set-name is the name of the dump data set attempted written. Refer to the section on IEATDUMP return and reason codes in z/OS®: MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference for an explanation of the problem.

Termination continues.

Perform any appropriate action to resolve the IEATDUMP error.


Response from IDIS subsystem task-id1 task-id2 not returned within 2 minutes, request canceled

Processing continues, but the canceled subsystem request might affect the expected result.

Determine the reason why the IDIS subsystem is not responding by checking for other messages that might have been issued. Also ensure that the IDIS subsystem has not been prioritized lower than any of the abending tasks for which it might be invoked.

If missing responses are persistent, and no reason can be determined, contact IBM Support.


Waiting mins minutes for dsn(mbr) SPFEDIT ENQ owner

There was a problem obtaining exclusive access to the history file data set member identified by dsn and mbr. The period waited so far is indicated as a number of minutes in the mins value. If available, the current owner of the ENQ is shown in owner. For example: held by IDIS on SYS8.

The IDIS subsystem continues to wait for the required data set access.

Determine why the identified data set member is not available for update. A possible reason is that a TSO/ISPF user is editing the member.


MaxWaitSeconds of seconds exceeded for transaction transaction (task task), analysis will be skipped

The MaxWaitSeconds value in effect for the DeferredReport(CICS(FATasks(…))) option was exceeded. For details about this option, see DeferredReport.

No analysis is performed for the identified CICS® transaction.



DeferredReport option overridden due to MaxMinidumpPages(max_pages) exceeded by num_pages pages

XDUMPs were not enabled and the DeferredReport option was in effect while the MaxMinidumpPages option limit was exceeded.

No minidump is written to the fault entry, but the analysis is still performed and a report is written to both the fault entry and to IDIREPRT.

The following might help to prevent this situation:


Fault Analyzer processing excluded because size k of 24 bit LSQA storage is not currently available

The minimum required amount of storage shown as size in kilobytes was not available for the below-the-line LSQA.

Processing is terminated.



Recovery fault recording terminating. Severe private storage shortage and no SVC dump access.

Not enough storage was available in the private region to perform recovery fault recording processing using the IEATDUMP dump type, and Fault Analyzer was unable to use the SDUMP dump type due to insufficient access authority. The SDUMP is written from the IDIS subsystem, and is therefore normally able to be used when there is a severe storage shortage in the abending region, which prevents the IEATDUMP from being written.

Processing is terminated without a recovery fault recording fault entry.

If possible, resubmit with a larger region size, or provide the necessary access authority to use the SDUMP dump type instead (see SDUMP recovery fault recording data sets).


Recovery fault recording IEATDUMP not taken because NULLFILE has been selected for the DSN

Recovery fault recording processing was unable to write an IEATDUMP data set due to no eligible data set name having been determined.

Processing is terminated.



I/O Error

An error occurred during a data set I/O operation.

Processing continues.

Check for more messages related to this error.


No minidump or MVS dump data set is available for reanalysis of history file hist-file fault ID fault-id

Batch reanalysis was attempted of a fault entry that did not either include a minidump, or was associated with an existing MVS dump data set. Without one or both of these, reanalysis is not possible.

Processing is terminated.



Processing terminated due to data set open error for DDname ddname

The open of a data set for a required DDname failed.

Normally, this message is preceded by one or more other messages which provide more detailed information about the error (for example, message IDI0006E).

Processing is terminated.

Check options specification relating to the identified DDname.


Please use MODIFY-STOP for the IDIS subsystem

This message is issued if the CANCEL command was used to stop the IDIS subsystem.

The correct way to stop the IDIS subsystem is to use the MODIFY or STOP command:
F name,STOP
P name

The IDIS subsystem is stopped.



Dispatch delay in IDIS subsystem (Priority=idis-priority) exceeded num seconds for jobname job-id (Priority=job-priority)

This message is issued if the IDIS subsystem response time exceeded expectations for the requester shown.

Processing continues.

Review the dispatch priority of the IDIS subsystem to ensure that it is not less than that of the job identified by jobname and job-id which was requesting Fault Analyzer subsystem services.


Binder processing stopped because num k of 24 bit LSQA storage is not currently available

Not enough 24-bit LSQA storage was available to invoke the Binder.

Processing continues, but source line information might be missing from the analysis report.



IDIS subsystem TCB tcb-address detection-location abended abend-code

An IDIS subsystem TCB or function abended or detected an error condition.

Processing continues, but information might be missing from the analysis report.

If the problem persists, contact IBM Support. If a fix is not available, set a SLIP trap as follows and provide the dump for analysis:



This message is used for all status messages that are issued by the IDIS subsystem.

Examples of these messages are:
IDI0145I IDIS subsystem, IDISMAIN Started. V9R1M0
         (MVS 2009/02/03)
IDI0145I Starting Termination.

Processing continues.



IDIS subsystem storage use is at percent-value percent of JCL REGION size, running number-of-tasks tasks

This message is issued by the IDIS subsystem whenever the amount of storage used exceeds 80% of the maximum available storage, as specified in the JCL REGION parameter, or imposed by default. The message is reissued at intervals while the storage usage remains high, but is not issued if the storage usage drops below 80% again.

Processing continues.

If this message is issued regularly, increase the region size to avoid termination of the IDIS subsystem due to insufficient storage being available.


Alter access to XFACILIT IDI_SDUMP_ACCESS is required for Fault Analyzer SDUMPs

This message is issued by the IDIS subsystem whenever an RFR dump is written, and it is determined that the user ID associated with the abending job does not have ALTER access to the XFACILIT IDI_SDUMP_ACCESS resource class.

The RFR dump is attempted written as an IEATDUMP instead of an SDUMP.

See SDUMP recovery fault recording data sets for information about how to use SDUMPs for improved recovery fault recording performance.


Unable to create an RFR fault entry due to IDIS subsystem NOUPDINDEX option in effect.

This message is issued by the IDIS subsystem when an RFR dump is about to be written, but the subsystem was started with the NOUPDINDEX option.

An SDUMP of the problem might still be taken, but it will not be recorded in a fault entry in a history file.

Perform analysis of the SDUMP, if available, to identify the problem. Restart the subsystem with the UPDINDEX option in effect.


IDIMAPS dsname has a build YYMMDD=build-date but the required level is required-date. Execution may be incorrect.

An incorrect version of the IDIMAPS data set is being used. The data set identified by dsname was built on the date shown in build-date, which did not match the required date for the installed level of Fault Analyzer in required-date.

Processing continues, but results might not be correct.

Ensure that the data set name that is specified for the IDIMAPS DDname is correct (this name is normally specified using the DataSets option in the IDICNFxx parmlib member), and contains the current data from the SMP/E target library.


No READ access to DDname ddname data set name dsname. This data set will not be used.

A data set provided to Fault Analyzer, either explicitly or implicitly, was found to be inaccessible due to no security server READ access.

Processing continues, but errors might occur if the data set is critical.

Provide the appropriate access to the data set.


SDUMP failure reason [Job job_id]

Recovery fault recording processing or Java analysis failed with the reason that is identified in reason. If a related job ID is available, then it will be included in the message as job_id. For example:
  • SDUMP rc=8 rsn=2 for job jobname. SVC dump suppressed because capture phase of another SVC dump was in progress.
  • SDUMP rc=8 rsn=3E for job jobname. DUMPSERV has used virtual storage MAXSPACE because of dump DASD space shortage or high activity.
  • SDUMP rc=0 rsn=04 for job jobname. DUMPSERV could only take a partial dump. Examine associated IEA* DUMP messages for more detail.
  • SDUMP rc=return-code rsn=reason-code for job jobname.
  • SDUMP requires the IDIS subsystem to be functioning.
See message IDI0127W for more information about the SDUMP return and reason codes.

This message is issued by the IDIS subsystem.

IDIS subsystem processing continues.

Perform any appropriate action, depending on the reason that is identified.


Job jobname SDUMP requested for history-file(fault-id)

An SDUMP recovery fault recording dump data set was requested for the job identified by jobname, which is to be associated with fault ID fault-id in history file history-file.

Processing continues.



Binder processing terminated for member module-name because it was created with the LINK=NO option

A call to the Binder program for load module module-name failed with rc=83000505 due to the use of the LINK=NO linkedit option.

Processing continues without binder information for the identified load module.



Configuration-options module module-name found in non-authorized load library and has been ignored

The load module identified by module-name, which can be used to provide configuration-options for Fault Analyzer, was found in a load library which was not APF-authorized. The load module name can be either IPVOPTLM or IDIOPTLM. Because it is a requirement that this load module must be placed in an APF-authorized load library in order to be used, it has been ignored.

Processing continues.

Place the load module in an APF-authorized load library.


The user ID in use for the IDIS subsystem does not have an OMVS segment with a HOME path

If an IDIJLIB DDname has not been specified in the IDIS subsystem JCL, then Fault Analyzer instead uses the IDIS subsystem user ID OMVS segment HOME path for work files. In this case, neither an IDIJLIB DDname, nor a HOME path were available.

Processing continues, but without Java analysis support.

Ensure that either the IDIJLIB DDname has been specified in the IDIS subsystem JCL, or that an OMVS segment HOME path exists for the IDIS subsystem user ID.


GETMAIN of count bytes from jobname job-id address space failed abend-code, idis-module-name history-file-name IDIS subsystem request failed

When the IDIS subsystem was returning data, a cross memory GETMAIN for count bytes failed, resulting in abend abend-code. This abend occurred because of storage shortage in the requester address space identified by jobname and job-id.

Processing continues.

If possible, increase the region size of the requester address space to prevent this problem from happening in the future.


Fault Analyzer about to deliberately abend U0777 and take RFR dump due to IDIRFRON DDname

When an IDIRFRON DD statement is used, Fault Analyzer deliberately issues abend U0777 in order to cause a recovery fault recording fault entry to be created. For more information about the use of the IDIRFRON DDname, see Verifying the recovery fault recording setup.

Processing terminates.



IDIS subsystem requires restart with STEPLIB containing SMP/E *.SIDIAUT2 to load DLL dll-name

Analysis of a Java fault was attempted but failed due to the absence of data set IDI.SIDIAUT2 in the IDIS subsystem STEPLIB concatenation.

Analysis continues but Java information is missing.

Add IDI.SIDIAUT2 to the IDIS subsystem STEPLIB concatenation. For details, see Starting the IDIS subsystem.


SDUMP requested for job-id1 fault-id will not be taken because reason usage of SDUMP

The rate of Fault Analyzer recovery fault recording SDUMPs (SVC dumps) scheduled exceeded the operating system's capacity to handle these, and as a result, the current dump was not taken. In the message text, job-id1 is the JES job ID of the job for which the SDUMP was requested, and reason is one of the following:
  • "Current job-id1," if the SDUMP rate threshold for the current job has been exceeded.
  • "job-id2," if the SDUMP threshold for another job (job-id2) has been exceeded
  • "High system," if the threshold for all jobs combined has been exceeded.

The recovery fault recording SDUMP is not taken.

Contact IBM Support to determine why a high rate of Fault Analyzer recovery fault recording SDUMPs were requested. Provide examples of the SDUMPs that were taken shortly before this message was issued for analysis.


History file history-file I/O error recovery successful

Following an I/O error indicated by message IDI0033E, Fault Analyzer was able to reclaim sufficient space in the history file identified by history-file to permit the subsequent successful rewriting of the fault entry.

Processing continues normally.



History file history-file I/O error recovery failed: reason

An attempt to recover from an I/O error on the history file identified by history-file failed for the reason that is identified by reason:
  • History file is not a PDSE

    I/O error recovery is not available for PDS history files.

  • History file contains 25 or less fault entries

    As for AUTO-space management, fault entries are only implicitly deleted if the history file contains more than 25 fault entries.

  • IGWFAMS error

    Message IDI0095W is issued immediately prior to this message with error-specific information.

  • Unable to provide the required space

    No more fault entries could be deleted, but the required amount of space had not yet been made available. This lack of required space might be due to fault entries being locked.

  • Recursive I/O error

    An I/O error occurred during the recovery of an earlier I/O error.

Processing continues, but a fault entry is not written to the history file.

One or more of the following might be appropriate:
  • Reallocate the history file with more space.
  • Use the IDIUTIL SetMinFaultEntries control statement to change the history file space management setting with a lesser value than the current setting.
  • Unlock locked fault entries so they can be implicitly deleted.


MVS dump taken to extract Java information

An MVS dump has been taken for the purpose of performing asynchronous extraction of Java information for the current fault.

Processing continues.



Fault ID fault-id created in history file history-file due to reason

The batch analysis of an MVS dump data set caused the creation of a new fault entry fault-id in history file history-file due to reason.

The possible values for reason are:
  • GenerateSavedReport option
  • IDIRegisterFaultEntry command

Processing continues.



ddname updates available--restart IDIS subsystem with //IDIDOC2 DD statement for IDI.SIDIDOC2 data set

During start-up of the IDIS subsystem, it was determined that one or more updates were available for the VSAM KSDS message and abend code explanation repository, identified by ddname as either IDIVSENU, IDIVSJPN or IDIVSKOR. However, no //IDIDOC2 DD statement had been provided to identify the IDI.SIDIDOC2 data set containing the updates.

Processing continues without updating the VSAM KSDS.

  1. Add a DD statement in the IDIS subsystem JCL as follows for the IDI.SIDIDOC2 data set containing the VSAM KSDS updates:
  2. Restart the IDIS subsystem.


Error processing ddname update member: reason

An error occurred while attempting to update the VSAM KSDS message and abend code explanation repository. In the message text:
Identifies the DDname as either IDIVSENU, IDIVSJPN or IDIVSKOR.
The name of the update member in data set IDI.SIDIDOC2.
A description of the error which occurred.

Processing continues, but the VSAM KSDS update is incomplete and is attempted again next time the IDIS subsystem is started.

If the problem persists, contact IBM Support.


Models processing for CICS release returned count offsets

Under ®CICS, Fault Analyzer needs certain release dependent field offset values. These offsets are determined when Fault Analyzer is installed during CICS® startup, and this message gives a count of the number of offsets found.

Processing continues.



Models processing for CICS release returned 0 offsets

Under CICS®, Fault Analyzer needs certain release dependent field offset values. This message is issued when the processing has failed to determine any offset information. This failure prevents Fault Analyzer operation under CICS®.

Fault Analyzer operation under CICS® is not possible without the offset information.

The offset information is extracted from the SIDIMAPS data set member IDIMCICS. Ensure that the IDIMAPS DataSets option has been specified correctly. If the problem persists, set a SLIP trap on this message number and contact IBM Support.


Module module-name loaded from library-name is not APF authorized or the concatenation is not APF authorized

It is a requirement that the Fault Analyzer load module, identified by module-name, is executed from an APF-authorized load library. In this case, the load module was executed from the load library identified by library-name, which was either not APF-authorized, or was included in a JOBLIB or STEPLIB concatenation along with one or more other load libraries which were not APF-authorized.

Processing terminates.

Ensure library-name is APF-authorized and not included in a concatenation with other load libraries which are not APF-authorized.


Unable to update data-set-name due to no UPDATE access

This message is issued by the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem if updates are available for the message and abend code explanation repository data set identified by data-set-name but the IDIS subsystem does not have UPDATE access to this data set. The updates might be to correct formatting issues or typos in existing explanations, or to add new messages or abend codes.

Processing continues without performing the update.

To perform the update, first grant UPDATE access to data-set-name by the IDIS subsystem, then stop and restart the IDIS subsystem.


Waiting count minutes for history-file-name PDSE cross-system SHARING contention

This message is issued by the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem if access to a history file is taking longer than one minute to be obtained, and is issued every minute thereafter until the access has been obtained.

Processing of the history file is suspended until the access is obtained.

If the problem persists, determine who is holding an ENQ on the history file using the SPFEDIT major name.


Fault Analyzer NameToken anchor built at storage-addr by TCB tcb-addr

This message is issued during Fault Analyzer initialization under CICS®. Its purpose is to provide diagnostic aid for IBM in case of errors.

Processing continues normally.



Fault Analyzer system DUMP call already issued for Fault Entry fault-id

During recovery fault recording (RFR) processing, the fault entry identified by fault-id was found to already have had a system dump call issued for it. Hence, an extra system dump call is not issued.

Processing continues normally.



Fault Analyzer Java DUMP fault entry written to history-file1(fault-id) because IDIS subsystem cannot write to history-file2

The Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem was unable to write a Java dump fault entry to history file history-file2 because of insufficient access authorization. Instead, the fault entry fault-id was written to the default history file history-file1.

Processing continues normally.



Fault Analyzer DUMP analysis will use dump-dsn for history-file(fault-id)

This message is issued by the IDIS subsystem when the dump data set identified by dump-dsn has been determined to belong to the fault entry identified by history-file(fault-id). The fault entry is updated to add the associated dump data set name.

Processing continues normally.



Java DTFJ processing failed for history-file(fault-id)

Expected Java information was not found during reanalysis of fault entry fault-id in history file history-file. This message suggests that Java DTFJ processing failed to complete successfully.

Processing continues normally, but without Java information.

Determine the reason why DTFJ processing failed. Ensure the MVS post-dump exit IDIXTSEL is installed (for details, see Installing the MVS post-dump exit IDIXTSEL) and the IDIS subsystem is started (for details, see Using the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem).


Fault Analyzer startup has hung. RFR dump initiated to capture the abend.

A hang was detected while attempting to perform real-time analysis.

The real-time analysis is terminated and a recovery fault recording fault entry is written instead.

If the problem persists, contact IBM Support.


Process error trying to force side-file-type side-file use for program-name. The side-file will not be used.

The "Listing/Side File Mismatch" prompt, "ENTER" key action could not successfully process the side file.

Processing continues without compiler listing or side file support for the program.

If required, check the compile date and the reasons listed for the mismatch, and locate a compiler listing or side file that is a better match for the program.


Fault Analyzer processing skipped due to CICSDUMPTABLEEXCLUDE( CheckMaxCurr). Abend code abend-code.

A CICS® transaction dump table entry exists for abend-code and the current dump count exceeds the maximum setting. Due to the CICSDUMPTABLEEXCLUDE(CheckMaxCurr) option being specified, Fault Analyzer analysis is skipped.

Processing terminates.



IDIS now stopping and restarting tasks to conserve storage. Increase REGION size and restart.

Fault Analyzer has detected a Short on Storage condition within the subsystem. The subsystem is stopping and restarting the IDIS DB2® subtasks when necessary to try to alleviate the condition.

Processing continues.

If this message is regularly issued by the IDIS subsystem, then it is recommended to increase the region size to avoid termination of the IDIS subsystem due to insufficient storage being available.


Fault Analyzer subsystem error from IDISAREQ: error_message

A message was passed back from the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem due to an unexpected condition. The passed-back message in error_message usually includes a separate message ID.

Processing continues.

Refer to the message ID in error_message for the problem that occurred in the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem call.


No trace records found in data_set_name

Mapping of an auxiliary CICS trace data set in data_set_name was requested.

The trace mapping is terminated.

Ensure the data set specified is correct.


Unable to allocate extended minidump data set data_set_name: reason

An attempt to allocate the extended minidump data set named in data_set_name failed for the reason shown in reason.

Processing continues, but no extended minidump data set will be associated with the fault entry.

Below-the-bar XDUMP storage pages will be converted to minidump pages, unless the total number of minidump pages after adding the XDUMP pages exceeds the MaxMinidumpPages option in effect. If this is the case, all storage pages that were destined for the XDUMP data set will be discarded.

Address the reason shown in the message.


Associated dump data set data_set_name not deleted due to insufficient access authorization; dump data set type: dump-type, history file hist-file, fault ID: fault-id, created by jobname: jobname, user ID: user-id, security server default group ID group-id

A fault entry was deleted by automatic history file space management during real-time analysis, fault entry creation following interactive MVS dump analysis, or IDIUTIL batch utility IMPORT processing.

An attempt was made to also delete the associated data set. However, due to insufficient access authorization, the associated dump data set identified by data-set-name could not be deleted.

Processing continues.
Manually delete the identified dump data set.

From the information that is provided in this message, determine if security server access authorization to dump data sets of this type should be changed to allow for their automatic deletion along with their associated fault entries.

Additional information, depending on dump-type:


SNAPDATA parameter ignored: text

An error in the IDISNAP SNAPDATA parameter was detected. text contains additional information about the error.
Processing continues.
Refer to text for a possible explanation and then correct the problem.


XDUMP data set data_set_name cannot be analyzed separately from its associated fault entry - perform reanalysis of history file history_file_name fault ID fault_id instead

data_set_name was selected for analysis as a dump data set, for example from the Fault Entry List display using the File menu option 5. Because the data set is an XDUMP data set, it cannot be analyzed in this manner.
The dump analysis is terminated.
Perform reanalysis of the history file and fault entry in history_file_name and fault_id instead.


History file history-file has been created without a secondary space allocation

The IDIS subsystem detected that the history-file data set is allocated without secondary space.
Processing continues.
Fault Analyzer space management is designed to work effectively with secondary space allocations. See Allocating secondary space for history files, and consider reallocating the history file, as described in Changing the size of a PDSE history file.


Dump data set data_set_name not deleted timestamp: reason

Fault Analyzer could not delete the data_set_name dump data set associated with the deleted fault entry. The timestamp indicates the time when the associated fault entry was deleted. At this time, the data_set_name dump data set was migrated, and an asynchronous process attempted to delete it. The reason indicates the reason deletion failed.
This message is issued once for each dump data set that could not be deleted. The time when the message is issued depends on the reason, and might occur at one of the following points:
  • At the time when the associated fault entry is deleted.
  • When the IDIS subsystem checks for undeleted dump data sets at regular intervals.
  • When stopping the IDIS subsystem.
Processing continues.
Delete the dump data set, either manually or by automated operations. Failure to do so leaves the unused data set orphaned.

Refer to reason for the reason why the deletion failed, or check the SYSLOG for other messages that might have been issued around the time shown in timestamp.


Lock flag control exit load module IDIXLOCK error: reason

With the lock flag control exit IDIXLOCK installed, the attempted change of a fault entry lock flag failed due to reason. The possible values for reason are:
  • Execution abend abend_code
  • Found in non-authorized load library
  • LOAD abend abend_code-reason_code
  • LOAD error R15=load_reason_code
  • CSVQUERY error R15=csvquery_reason_code
Processing continues, but the lock flag remains unchanged.
Contact your systems programmer.


spilled_pages minidump pages spilled to XDUMP data set xdump_dsn due to MaxMinidumpPages(mmp_pages) exceeded

The MaxMinidumpPages option value in effect (mmp_pages) was exceeded. Since XDUMP data sets are enabled, the number of minidump pages that exceeded the MaxMinidumpPages option value (spilled_pages) were "spilled" to the XDUMP data set (xdump_dsn).

While the XDUMP data set exists, this is handled transparently during reanalysis of the fault entry. However, if the XDUMP data set is no longer available (it might have been deleted, renamed, or just not available on the system on which the reanalysis is performed), reanalysis report information might be missing or incorrect. In this case, a warning will be displayed by the Fault Analyzer ISPF interface when using the 'B' or 'I' line commands, or when using the 'V' or 'S' line commands against a fault entry without a saved report. Similar warnings will be inserted into the batch and interactive reanalysis reports. When performing batch reanalysis of a fault entry with a missing XDUMP, message IDI0195W will also be issued.

To prevent this type of situation:

  1. Never delete or rename a tightly coupled associated dump data set, such as an XDUMP. These will automatically be deleted when the fault entry is deleted using Fault Analyzer.
  2. Ensure the MaxMinidumpPages option value is sufficient to prevent the need to spill minidump pages to the XDUMP data set.
Processing continues.
Contact your systems programmer.


Fault entry fault_id XDUMP data set xdump_dsn containing spilled minidump pages no longer exists - reanalysis report information might be missing or incorrect

This message is issued during batch reanalysis of fault entry (fault_id), for which message IDI0194W was issued when it was created (see "IDI0194W" for the conditions under which this occurred).

Since the associated XDUMP data set (xdump_dsn) is no longer available (it might have been deleted, renamed, or just not available on the system on which the reanalysis is performed), reanalysis report information might be missing or incorrect.

Refer to message IDI0194W for additional information.

Processing continues but reanalysis report information might be missing or incorrect.
Contact your systems programmer.


Unable to perform reanalysis of fault entry fault_id in history file history_file due to no READ access.

This message is issued if batch reanalysis of fault entry, to which the user does not have READ access, is attempted.
Processing is terminated.
Contact your security administrator if access is required.