IDITRACE information

When you add the IDITRACE DDname to your job, Fault Analyzer can provide you with trace information that might help you understand why a particular compiler listing or side file was selected or rejected. For example:

For an alternative method of activating this trace under CICS®, see IDITRACE under CICS. For information about the dynamic tracing via the CTL.IDITRACE data area field, see Analysis Control user exit.

If you do not use dynamic tracing via the CTL.IDITRACE data area field, trace information is written to the IDITRACE DDname destination. An example of compiler listing or side file search trace information follows:
Figure 1. Sample compiler listing/side file search trace
Listing/Side File search trace for IDISCBL1
  Execution program IDISCBL1 compile date 2013/02/18 time 12:17:24
    Failed -
      OPEN error, member not found.
  Rejected - NWILKES.$$TEMP$$.LISTINGS(IDISCBL1) Built 2013/02/18 12:17:41
    Failed -
      COBOL Working Storage length mismatch - load x'2A' listing x'32'
      COBOL Data Division Statements mismatch - load 6 listing 7
    Passed -
      COBOL TGT lengths match load and listing both 148
      COBOL Procedure Division Statements match, both 10
      Object code length check passed.
  Accepted - NWILKES.IVPCB.LISTINGS(IDISCBL1) Built 2013/02/18 12:17:24
    Passed -
      COBOL TGT lengths match load and listing both 148
      COBOL Working Storage lengths match load and listing both x'2A'
      COBOL Data Division Statements match, both 6
      COBOL Procedure Division Statements match, both 10
      Object code length check passed.

When performing interactive reanalysis, IDITRACE information pertaining to the search for compiler listings or side files is available by selecting an option from the Compiler Listing Not Found display, without the need to allocate the IDITRACE DDname. See Prompting for compiler listing or side file.

However, if complete IDITRACE information similar to that produced in batch is required, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Fault Analyzer ISPF interface Fault Entry List display.
  2. From the primary command line, issue the commands:
    • TSO ALLOC DD(IDITRACE) DSN(dsn) DSORG(PS) SPACE(2,1) TRACKS LRECL(137) RECFM(V,B) NEW where dsn is the name of the trace data set.
  3. Perform interactive reanalysis of the fault entry.
  4. PF3 back to the Fault Entry List display.
  5. Optionally, from the primary command line, issue the command: