Allocating a PDS or PDSE for a history file

To allocate one or more history files, edit and submit the sample job IDISHIST.

This job allocates two PDSE data sets named IDI.HIST and IDI.HIST.TEST respectively. All users whose abending jobs are recorded in these history files need write access to the data sets. Refer to the instructions in the sample job for information about changes you might need to make to this job.

  1. PDSE data sets are recommended to be used for history files because of their automatic space management, IDIS subsystem management (see "Caching of history file $$INDEX data"), and superior directory integrity for shared usage. (You can also use PDS-managed history files.)
  2. Fault Analyzer does not support PDSE version 2 history file data sets with greater than 0 member generations defined.

As an alternative to submitting a batch job to allocate a new history file, one can be allocated by selecting the Fault Entry List display action-bar File pull-down menu. For details, see New history file allocation.

Important: Allocate the history file with enough space to accommodate all data that is expected to be written to it. Otherwise, out-of-space conditions might occur that cause Fault Analyzer to abend (for example, system abend SE37).
To assist with space management of history files, Fault Analyzer provides the IDIUTIL batch utility, which can be used to:
  • Delete old history file entries (DELETE control statement).
  • Set up an AUTO-managed (or self-maintaining) history file (SetMinFaultEntries control statement).
These functions can also be performed using the Fault Analyzer ISPF interface.

In a sysplex, history files can be shared between any number of systems.