Using the XFACILIT resource class for SDUMP RFR data sets
The ALTER access is to the XFACILIT IDI_SDUMP_ACCESS profile, it is not to the actual SDUMP data sets. Fault Analyzer uses authorized state to permit access to RFR SDUMPs. The IDI_SDUMP_ACCESS profile acts as a switch Fault Analyzer can check to see if SDUMPs should be created for that user ID.
If by chance a fault entry creation has an exception requiring an RFR dump, then Fault Analyzer only creates and links an SDUMP to the fault entry if the user has ALTER access to the XFACILIT IDI_SDUMP_ACCESS profile.
If a user doing problem analysis has read or delete access to a fault entry, and the fault entry has an SDUMP linked to it (the fault entry was created by a recovery fault recording exception), then Fault Analyzer provides the equivalent access to the SDUMP as an extension to the fault entry. Deleting a fault entry implicitly causes any linked SDUMP to be deleted.
Because capturing an SDUMP is usually much faster than capturing a TDUMP, it is recommended that at least performance critical systems, such as CICS®, are given authority to use RFR SDUMPs by granting the above access.