Displaying associated storage areas
In the interactive report, the link
Associated Storage Areasis provided in the detailed event display depending on the programming language used. What is displayed when selecting this link depends on both the programming language and whether or not a compiler listing or side file is available to Fault Analyzer for the program:
- For COBOL programs without a compiler listing or side file, base locators are
displayed in hexadecimal dump format.
- For COBOL V4 and earlier, the TGT is formatted.
- For COBOL V5 and later, PPAs are formatted.
- For COBOL programs where a compiler listing or side file is supplied, the source declaration of all fields along with their current content is provided.
An example of the associated storage areas display for a COBOL program with source listing
provided is shown in Sample Associated Storage Areas display.
By scrolling down through the displayed information, you also find Linkage Section information, File Section information, and so on, as appropriate for the current program.
Some features are unique to the interactive reanalysis report:
- The ability to hide the hex-value column.
- The ability to collapse level 88 items.
- The ability to show all COBOL base locators.
These are explained in the following topics.