December 2017 (V14R1M1 APAR PI89724)
This version of the book contains minor clarifications and corrections, and also the following
significant changes relative to the previous edition:
- Support for a new ddname, IDIJAVA, has been added. For details, see DataSets and CTL - Analysis Control user exit parameter list.
- Additional fields have been added to the UFM data area to support 64-bit general purpose registers. For details, see UFM - Formatting user exit parameter list.
- The Language Environment Heap Analysis section of the interactive reanalysis report has been enhanced to provide the choice between a summarized or a full display. For details, see Primary option: Language Environment Heap Analysis.
- A sample assembler AMODE 64 IPV job has been provided. For details, see Verifying the use of Fault Analyzer with assembler.
- A sample PL/I AMODE 64 IVP job has been provided. For details, see Verifying the use of Fault Analyzer with PL/I.
- The IDIALLOC REXX user exit command has been enhanced to support dynamic data set concatenation.
A new LIBRARY parameter provides the ability to allocate PDSE data sets.
For details, see IDIALLOC command.
- A new REXX user exit command, IDIDSNTEST, can be used to check if a data set exists. For details, see IDIDSNTEST command.
- Automatic use of real-time STEPLIB data sets during initial RFR fault entry reanalysis has been provided. For details, see the description of the ENV.IDIRLOAD_DD field in ENV - Common exit environment information.
- A new primary command, EDIT, has been added to the Fault Analyzer ISPF interface. This is similar to the COPY command, but presents the copied display in an ISPF edit session. For details, see EDIT.
- A new line command, P, has been added to the Fault Entry List display. This can be used to package a fault entry for Fault Analyzer support. For details, see Applying an action to a particular fault.
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Fault Analyzer for z/OS User's Guide and Reference