
Figure 1. Syntax

1 NoDup(IMAGEFAST(mins? ,
2.1  IMS (
2.2.1+ ,
2.2.1  INCLUDE ( selection )
2.2.1  EXCLUDE ( selection )
2.1 )))

1+ ,
2.1 *
2.2.1+ ,
2.2.1 MPR
2.2.1 BMP
2.2.1 IFP
2.2.1 JMP
2.2.1 JBP
1 )
1  IMSID (
2.1 *
2.1 + , ims_id
1 )

This suboption is used to specify the number of minutes elapse time, since the last occurrence of a fault, during which subsequent invocations of Fault Analyzer for other faults in the same MVS image are deemed duplicates of the last fault, if they satisfy the appropriate fault characteristics criteria. This type of fault suppression is referred to as IMS fast duplicate fault suppression.

  1. In order to enable IMS fast duplicate fault suppression, the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem must be started with the IMAGEFAST PARM field option, as well as the UPDINDEX option. NoDup(ImageFast) processing is not performed if the TCBFX flag in the abending TCB is on.
  2. Only PDSE history files that are managed by the IDIS subsystem are able to participate in the IMS fast duplicate fault suppression.
  3. The NoDup(ImageFast) option is used by the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem only. Changes to the NoDup(ImageFast) option only take effect after stopping and restarting the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem.

For details, see Using the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem.

The valid range of the minutes value specified in mins is 0 - 10080 (10080 is equivalent to one week). Specification of 0 minutes means that "IMAGEFAST" duplicate faults are not detected.

The default elapse time is 5 minutes.

In the IMS environment, a fault is considered a duplicate of another if the faults occurred within the specified elapse time (mins), and the following fault details are identical:
  • IMS program name
  • IMS subsystem ID
  • Last IMS status code
  • Last DB2® SQLCODE
  • Failing program name
  • Failing program compile date
  • Offset to error in failing program
  • Length of failing program
  • Abend code
  • User title specified for IDISNAP invocation
  • Call chain

NoDup(ImageFast) signatures are kept in the IDIS subsystem on each MVS image. Changes to the NoDup(ImageFast) option take effect only after stopping and restarting the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem. For details, see Using the Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem.

By default, all IMS jobs are eligible for IMS fast duplicate fault suppression. This approach is the equivalent of having specified the option
Use the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE suboptions of the NoDup(ImageFast(minutes,IMS(…))) option to restrict eligibility for IMS fast duplicate fault suppression. Here are the specification rules:
  • An IMSTYPE criterion matches if the specified values include the IMS region type that is associated with the current fault.
    For example, if the following option is specified:
    and the current fault is an IMS BMP region, then the IMSTYPE criterion matches, and the current fault deemed ineligible for IMS fast duplicate fault suppression.
  • An IMSID criterion matches if one or more of the specified values for ims_id match the IMS ID associated with the current fault.
    For example, if the following option is specified:
    and the current fault is associated with the IMS subsystem ID ABC2, then the IMSID criterion matches, and the current fault deemed ineligible for IMS fast duplicate fault suppression.
  • Each specification of an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE suboption is tested against the current fault and, if all criteria of the specified suboption match, changes the eligibility state accordingly.
    For example, if the following option is specified:
    and the current fault is an IMS BMP region with subsystem ID ABC4, then the IMSTYPE criterion matches, but the IMSID criterion does not, resulting in the EXCLUDE criteria not matching.
    Conceptionally, IMSTYPE or IMSID values can be considered logically OR'ed, while INCLUDE or EXCLUDE suboptions can be considered logically AND'ed, in order to determine the resulting match status. If | represents a "logical OR" operation, and & represents a "logical AND" operation, then the previous option specification could be interpreted as
    NoDup(ImageFast(5,IMS(EXCLUDE(IMSTYPE(MPR | BMP) & IMSID(ABC1 | ABC2 | ABC3)))))
    A single INCLUDE or EXCLUDE suboption should only ever contain a single IMSTYPE and/or a single IMSID criterion, since a match is otherwise not possible.
  • Any number of INCLUDE or EXCLUDE suboptions can be specified. Specifying multiple INCLUDE or EXCLUDE suboptions within a single NoDup(ImageFast(minutes,IMS(…))) option is equivalent to specifying these as separate options.
    For example, specifying
    is equivalent to specifying
    Note: If different, only the last specified value of mins takes effect.
  • A wildcard (*) can be used as complete substitution for a value, that is, with no characters preceding the asterisk.
  • Processing of INCLUDE or EXCLUDE suboptions occur in the order specified, and in accordance with the hierarchy of options sources defined in Options. For example, the IDICNF00 parmlib member is read prior to any IDIOPTS user options file that was used.
  • The most generic criteria should be specified first, followed by more specific ones.
    For example, if an installation wants to use IMS fast duplicate fault suppression for only IMS MPR jobs using subsystem IDs other than ABC1, then specifying the following options would achieve this:
    NoDup(ImageFast(5,IMS(EXCLUDE(IMSTYPE(*)    /* Exclude everything */
                          INCLUDE(IMSTYPE(MPR)) /* Include only IMS MPR regions */
                          EXCLUDE(IMSID(ABC1))  /* Exclude subsystem ID ABC1 */

When a fault is deemed a duplicate of another based on the fault characteristics and the NoDup(ImageFast(…)) option in effect, the fault analysis is skipped, the duplicate count associated with the original fault is incremented by one, and message IDI0121I is issued.