Displaying the CICS system
abend interactive report
When the analysis of the CICS® system abend has completed,
the CICS® system abend interactive report is shown
(Sample CICS System Abend Interactive Reanalysis Report display). Figure 1. Sample CICS System Abend Interactive Reanalysis Report display
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CICS System Abend Interactive Reanalysis Report Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
CICS DUMP: SYSTEM=CICSDI CODE=SM0002 ID= D381 2019/08/13 09:55:03
Select one of the following options and press Enter to access further fault
1. Synopsis
2. Abend Job Information
3. CICS System Information
4. Options in Effect
DFHSM0002 CICSDI A severe error (code X'030E') has occurred in module DFHSMGF.
Severity 3 Observations
*** Bottom of data.
F1=Help F3=Exit F5=RptFind F6=Actions F7=Up F8=Down
F10=Left F11=Right
The initial interactive report display for a CICS® system abend is different from that of
any other fault type. The content is logically divided into the following
Available options
At the top of the display are options that can be selected by
placing the cursor on the option number and pressing the Enter key.
The tab key can be used to position the cursor to the option
that you want. The individual options are explained in the sections
that follow.
Dump reason
If available, the list of options is followed by the reason why
the analyzed dump was taken.
Analysis observations
If any, the dump reason is followed by observations made during
the analysis. These are loosely divided into three categories based
on severity:
Problems that are likely to be reasons for the fault.
Problems that might be reasons for the fault.
If ten or more
severity 2 observations are available, then a point-and-shoot link
that takes you to a separate display is provided instead.
Problems that generally would not be considered contributing reasons
for the fault, but merely items of interest.
If five or more severity
3 observations are available, then a point-and-shoot link that takes
you to a separate display is provided instead.