Providing installation-specific batch reanalysis JCL control statements
Whenever a user performs batch reanalysis of a history file entry, using the B line command from the Fault Entry List display, Fault Analyzer generates the appropriate JCL stream based on options that are specified on the user's Batch Reanalysis Options display. To permit installations to always add their own JCL control statements to such generated jobs, Fault Analyzer provides support for an optional user-provided skeleton member. If found, this member is inserted immediately following the JOB card of the generated JCL stream. The skeleton member must be named IDISJCTL, and be available from the ISPSLIB concatenation. If it does not exist, or is not found, then it is simply not used.
//* Override of installation default output line limit
If Job card style on the Batch Reanalysis Options display has been set to S, but no Job Card Statements have been specified, then the IDISJCTL member can be used to provide both a JOB card and any additional control cards. As an alternative to the IDISJCTL member, see BatchOpts.