The event details section

The event details section provides detailed information about each event. It is preceded by the heading:
<H1> E V E N T   D E T A I L S

The types of events included in the details section is subject to the Detail option in effect. Included in the detailed event section is also more information that is associated with the event, such as message descriptions (extracted by Fault Analyzer so that you do not need to look this up in a manual) and the contents of the program's working storage. When appropriate, you also find information such as abend code explanations and open file buffers here.

Source code information that is shown in the details section of the report includes up to 5 source lines or statements ahead of, and following, the source location for the event. If the event source location is within an expanded assembler macro, then the extra source statements are in addition to the statements caused by the macro expansion.

To change the default extra five lines or statements, use the Detail option (see Detail) or the Analysis Control user exit (see Analysis Control user exit).

If no matching compiler listing or side file was provided for the point-of-failure event, then the failing machine instruction is shown. In addition, up to 12 instructions ahead of, and 6 following, the failing instruction are provided. The following example listing is based on the IDIVPCOB COBOL installation verification program (IVP), but with no compiler listing or side file provided:


***********************  P O I N T   O F   F A I L U R E  **********************

Abend Code. . . . . . . . . : S0C7
Program-Interruption Code . : 0007 (Data Exception)
                              A decimal digit or sign was invalid.

Most recently referenced data items:
  Data Item . . . . . . . . : BLW=00000+018
    At Address. . . . . . . : 167900A0
    Length. . . . . . . . . : X'4'
    Data Item Storage . . . : 0986888F   *.fh.*

  Data Item . . . . . . . . : BLW=00000+020
    At Address. . . . . . . : 167900A8
    Length. . . . . . . . . : X'4'
    Data Item Storage . . . : C1C2C3C4   *ABCD*

NOTE: Source code information could not be presented because the search for a
      compiler listing or side-file was unsuccessful for program IDISCBL1.

Load Module Name. . . . . . : SYS05291.T124505.RA000.IDIVPCOB.GOSET.H02(IDISCBL1)
  At Address. . . . . . . . : 16700D88
  Load Module Length. . . . : X'1278'
  Link-Edit Date and Time . : 2019/10/18  12:45:07

Program and Entry Point Name: IDISCBL1
  At Address. . . . . . . . : 16700D88 (Module IDISCBL1 offset X'0')
  Program Length. . . . . . : X'638'
  Program Language. . . . . : COBOL (Compiled using COBOL for OS/390 & VM V2 R2
                              M2 on 2019/10/18 at 12:45:06)

Machine Instruction . . . . : FD73D0B8D0A8  DP    184(8,R13),168(4,R13)
  At Address. . . . . . . . : 1670115C (Program IDISCBL1 offset X'3D4')
  AMODE . . . . . . . . . . : 31
  Failing Operand . . . . . : Second operand
  First Operand Address . . : 0002A0D0 (171824 bytes of storage addressable)
  First Operand Length. . . : 8
  First Operand Storage . . : 00000000 0986888C   *.....fh.*
  Second Operand Address. . : 0002A0C0 (171840 bytes of storage addressable)
  Second Operand Length . . : 4
  Second Operand Storage. . : C1C2C3CF   *ABC.*

Instructions around point of failure:

  Offset  Hex            Instruction
  ------  -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
     -36  D203 D094 D098 MVC   148(4,R13),152(R13)
     -30  5820 905C      L     R2,92(,R9)
     -2C  58F0 202C      L     R15,44(,R2)
     -28  4110 A0E9      LA    R1,233(,R10)
     -24  05EF           BALR  R14,R15
     -22  58B0 C014      L     R11,20(,R12)
     -1E  47F0 B1CC      BC    15,460(,R11)
     -1A  D203 D0A8 8020 MVC   168(4,R13),32(R8)                 BLW=00000+020
     -14  960F D0AB      OI    171(R13),15
     -10  D203 D0B0 8018 MVC   176(4,R13),24(R8)                 BLW=00000+018
      -A  960F D0B3      OI    179(R13),15
      -6  F873 D0B8 D0B0 ZAP   184(8,R13),176(4,R13)
   *****  FD73 D0B8 D0A8 DP    184(8,R13),168(4,R13)
      +6  D201 8028 D0BA MVC   40(2,R8),186(R13)                 BLW=00000+028
      +C  940F 8028      NI    40(R8),15                         BLW=00000+028
     +10  960F 8029      OI    41(R8),15                         BLW=00000+029
     +14  5830 D094      L     R3,148(,R13)
     +18  07F3           BCR   15,R3
     +1A  9120 9054      TM    84(R9),32

Program Status Word (PSW) . : 078D2000 96701162

General Purpose Registers:
  R0:  0002A0D8 (171816 bytes of storage addressable)
  R1:  16700F91 (Module IDISCBL1 program IDISCBL1 + X'209')
  R2:  0001B7FC (231428 bytes of storage addressable)
  R3:  16701126 (Module IDISCBL1 program IDISCBL1 + X'39E')
  R4:  16700DC0 (Module IDISCBL1 program IDISCBL1 + X'38')
  R5:  00016AF0 (251152 bytes of storage addressable)
  R6:  00000000 (2048 bytes of storage addressable)
  R7:  00000000 (2048 bytes of storage addressable)
                BLW=00000 + X'0')
  R9:  1678C100 (253696 bytes of storage addressable)
  R10: 16700E9C (Module IDISCBL1 program IDISCBL1 + X'114')
  R11: 16700FBC (Module IDISCBL1 program IDISCBL1 + X'234')
  R12: 16700E84 (Module IDISCBL1 program IDISCBL1 + X'FC')
  R13: 0002A018 (172008 bytes of storage addressable)
  R14: 967010D2 (Module IDISCBL1 program IDISCBL1 + X'34A')
  R15: 96759E60 (Module IGZCPAC + X'3C348')