Fault history file selection
When a fault is being analyzed in real time by Fault Analyzer, a history file must be available in which details of the analysis can be recorded.
There are a number of ways in which the name of the history file can be provided to Fault Analyzer. The following is a list of these in the order of their override significance (each entry in the list overrides all previous entries):
- The product default name, IDI.HIST.
- The IDIHIST suboption of a DataSets option that is specified in the parmlib config member, IDICNF00. This information includes either the logical parmlib concatenation or the installation-wide alternate parmlib data set name provided via the IDIOPTLM configuration-options module IDICNF setting. For details, see Customize Fault Analyzer by using an IDIOPTLM configuration-options module.
- The IDIHIST suboption of a DataSets option that
is specified in a config member identified via the IDICNFUM user options module. Note: If a user options module is used, it replaces the default IDICNF00 parmlib config member. Thus, even if the user options module designated config member did not include an IDIHIST suboption of a DataSets option, any specification of IDIHIST in the default IDICNF00 parmlib config member would not be recognized.
- The IDIHIST suboption of a DataSets option provided via the IDIOPTS DDname in the abending job step.
- An explicitly coded IDIHIST DD statement in the abending job step.
- The data set name provided by an Analysis Control or End Processing user exit in the ENV data area IDIHIST field.