Selecting the Last CICS® 3270 Screen Buffer link
displays the last 3270 screen buffer written by CICS®, as in the example shown in Sample Last CICS 3270 Screen Buffer display.
All non-printable characters are shown as periods (.).
It is not always possible for Fault Analyzer to provide
CICS® 3270 screen buffer information. For example, if there
are indications of VTAM® session errors on the terminal, or if
one of the following CICS® abends have occurred (* indicates a
wildcard character), then no 3270 screen buffer information is provided:
Two point-and-shoot fields are provided under the panel title to toggle the state of
the display:
Normal displays only the EBCDIC characters of the last screen
Hex also displays the hex values of each character below each
The selected option is remembered between interactive analysis sessions.
When the CICS 3270 screen buffer is available, it is displayed to all users by
default. You can restrict its display to users who have READ access or higher to an XFACILIT profile
named IDI_FEATURE_DISPLAY_CICS_3270BUFFER. For example, the following RACF commands restrict the
3270 screen buffer display to members of group
Note: The
contents of the CICS 3270 screen buffer are visible if a user views a fault entry outside of Fault Analyzer (for example, using ISPF BROWSE). To control
this level of access, define the history file data-set-profile access as UACC(NONE), and define an
XFACILIT profile that grants access to the history files. See Using the XFACILIT resource class for history file fault entries.