Migrating from V10.1 to V11.1

This section provides information about changes to Fault Analyzer version 11.1 that you should be aware of if migrating from version 10.1.
  • To enable Java analysis, data set IDI.SIDIAUT2 must be added as STEPLIB in the IDIS subsystem start-up JCL. For details, see Starting the IDIS subsystem.
  • Users of Message and Abend Code Explanation load module user exits should note that the offset to the XPL.ABEND_CODE field has changed.
  • In the past, prompting for missing compiler listings or side files during interactive reanalysis depended on whether any compiler listing or side file data sets had been provided to Fault Analyzer, implicitly or explicitly, by the time when these were required during the reanalysis of a fault entry. As a result, prompting could occur for some fault entries, but not for others.

    With the user-specified option now available to control prompting (see Interactive reanalysis options), it is easier to ensure a consistent behavior. If users have not yet set this option explicitly, then the default setting can be controlled by one of these actions:

    • Specify one or more compiler listing or side file data sets in the IDICNFxx parmlib member (in which case the default is to prompt).
    • Ensure that no such data sets are specified in the IDICNFxx parmlib member (in which case the default is to not prompt).