IDIXWRIT – Write formatted text to report


#include "idixhfmt.h"

int IDIXWRIT(char *psz, ...);

General description

The IDIXNOTE() function can be used only to write a simple line of text to the report. However, the string that is passed to the IDIXWRIT() function in the psz argument can contain formatting tags (see Formatting tags).

If the psz argument is a format string suitable for use by the C sprintf() function, then more required arguments can follow.

This function is equivalent to the Fault Analyzer REXX command "IDIWRITE".

Returned value

IDIXWRIT() always returns zero.


#include "idixhfmt.h"

int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
  IDIXWRIT("<DT>Item %d</DT>",i);
  IDIXWRIT("<DD>Item description</DD>");