Used to locate a text string in the current display.

Figure 1. Syntax

1 Find 
2.2.1 c
2.2.1! t
2.2.1 x
2.2.1 '
2.2.1 "
2.1 string
2.2.1 '
2.2.1 "
2.1 *
1 PREfix
1 SUFfix
Indicates that a text string is being searched for. Text strings are non-case-sensitive in all displays, except for the Dump Storage display where all strings are case-sensitive.
Indicates that a character string is being searched for. Character strings are case-sensitive.
Indicates that a hexadecimal value is being searched for. An even number of digits must be specified.
The character string to be searched for. If the string includes blanks, quotes, or tokens that could be mistaken for a FIND command keyword (for example, if searching for the string NEXT), the string must be enclosed in either single quotes or double quotes. The ending quote must be of the same type (single or double) as the starting quote. All other quotes are considered part of the search string.
Indicates that the same string as previously searched for is to be used.
Indicates that the search should start at the first position after the current cursor location and proceed ahead to find the next occurrence of the string. NEXT is the default.
Indicates that the search should start at the first position before the current cursor location and proceed backwards to find the previous occurrence of the string.
Indicates that the search should start at the top of the display and proceed ahead to find the first occurrence of the string.
Indicates that the search should start at the bottom of the display and proceed backwards to find the last occurrence of the string.
Indicates that the search should start at the top of the display and proceed ahead to find all occurrences of the string. A message in the upper-right corner of the display shows the number of occurrences found.
Indicates that any occurrence of the sequence of characters searched for is considered a match. This value is the default.
Indicates that one or more blank or attribute characters must precede the sequence of characters searched for in order to be considered a match. Either PRE or PREFIX can be specified.
Indicates that one or more blank or attribute characters must follow the sequence of characters searched for in order to be considered a match. Either SUF or SUFFIX can be specified.
Indicates that one or more blank or attribute characters must surround the sequence of characters searched for in order to be considered a match.

FIND command: differences between display types

The FIND command that is issued from the Dump Storage display behaves differently to the FIND command that is issued from all other displays. (The Dump Storage display is invoked by using the SHOW command, or by placing the cursor on an address point-and-shoot field and pressing Enter.)
Table 1. FIND command: differences between display types
FIND command in Dump Storage display FIND command in all other displays
All character strings are case sensitive, regardless of whether T'text' or C'text' or neither is used. Character string case sensitivity is determined by the use of T'text' (default) or C'text'.
Only the minidump, and any associated MVS dump, is searched for the target string; storage descriptions, headings and similar formatted character-based text is not included in the search. However, the entire minidump and MVS dump is included in the search, not just the currently displayed address range. Only the formatted character-based text, including any hex-dump formatting, is searched for the target string. No searching of the minidump or MVS dump is performed.
When searching for hexadecimal values in the minidump, use the X'text' format. When searching for values in hex-formatted storage, use character string format.
The FIND command target can be split over multiple lines in the formatted display, but can still be found. The FIND command target cannot be found if split over multiple lines in the formatted display.