Displaying PSW information

The following figure shows an example of a PSW in an interactive reanalysis report:

Figure 1. Sample Program Status Word display
  File  View  Services  Help
Event 1 of 3: Abend S0C7 *** Point of Failure ***              Line 69 Col 1 80 
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
JOBNAME: IDIVPCOB  SYSTEM ABEND: 0C7              FAE1     2019/05/31  12:04:53
  Second Operand Storage. . : C1C2C3CF     *ABC.*                                 

Associated Messages
CEE3207S The system detected a data exception (System Completion Code=0C7).    
                              ❶    ❷
Program Status Word (PSW) . : 078D2000 98601172                                
PSW Summary . . . . . . . . : Primary Space Mode, PSW Key 8, AMODE 31, Problem 
General Purpose Registers (AMODE: 64 31 24 , Bytes: Dec Hex ):  
   R0:     10000_186970F0 (405,264 bytes of storage addressable)                
   R1:         0_18600FA1 (Module IDISCBL1 program IDISCBL1 + X'209')           
   R2:         0_000077FC (83,972 bytes of storage addressable)                 
   R3:         0_18601136 (Module IDISCBL1 program IDISCBL1 + X'39E', source    
                          line # 26 )                                           
   R4:         0_18600DD0 (Module IDISCBL1 program IDISCBL1 + X'38')            
   R5:         0_1860EE90 (962,928 bytes of storage addressable)                
   R6:         0_00000000 (2,048 bytes of storage addressable)

The PSW contains two point-and-shoot fields. One field is for the high word ❶ and another is for the low word ❷.

If you select the point-and-shoot field for the low word, the storage at that address is shown. For more information, see Displaying storage locations.

If you select the point-and-shoot field for the high word, the Program Status Word Breakdown Table display is shown. See the following figure as an example.

Figure 2. Sample Program Status Word Breakdown Table display
Program Status Word Breakdown Table                             Line 1 Col 1 76  
Command ===> _________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
PSW: 078D1000 A68011AA (ESA/390)

PSW Format:
  │0│R│000│T│I│E│PSW KEY│1│M│W│P│AS│CC│PGM MASK│00000000  │                             
   0       5     8       12      16 18 20       24      31                    
  │A│Instruction Address                                  │
   32 33                                                63                              
Actual Values
  │0│0│000│1│1│1│1000   │1│1│0│1│00│10│0000    │00000000  │                             
   0       5     8       12      16 18 20       24      31
  │1│18601172                                             │
   32 33                                                63                    

  Bit    Meaning
  ─────  ────────────────────────────────                                                                 
  1      Program-Event-Recording Mask         (R)          
  5      DAT Mode                             (T = 1)      
  6      Input/Output Mask                    (I)          
  7      External Mask                        (E)          
  12     One indicates ESA/390                             
  13     Machine-Check Mask                   (M)          
  14     Wait State                           (W = 1)      
  15     Problem State                        (P = 1)      
  16-17  Address Space Control                (AS)         
         xx Real Mode                         (T = 0)      
         00 Primary-Space Mode                (T = 1)      
         01 Access-Register Mode              (T = 1)      
         10 Secondary-Space Mode              (T = 1)      
         11 Home-Space Mode                   (T = 1)      
  18-19  Condition Code                       (CC)         
  20     Fixed-Point-Overflow Mask                         
  21     Decimal-Overflow Mask                             
  22     HFP-Exponent-Overflow Mask                        
  23     HFP-Signficance Mask                              
  32     31-Bit Addressing Mode               (A = 1)      
  33-63  Instruction Address                  (Hexadecimal)
**** Bottom of data.                                                            

This display shows a breakdown of the various bit fields found in the selected PSW.

The display contains two pairs of tables. The first one shows the general format of a PSW, and the second one shows the contents of the selected PSW. The remaining part of the display contains the bit fields that are referenced in the formatting table and associated bit offsets.