Performing interactive reanalysis under CICS®

Fault Analyzer uses a special component to display ISPF panels that can allow it to operate as a CICS® transaction to view history files and perform interactive reanalysis. This capability under CICS® does not use TSO; it is intended for users who might not have TSO logon capability on an MVS image, but have a need to review and analyze history file information on that MVS image.

The capabilities of Fault Analyzer running as a CICS® transaction are almost identical to Fault Analyzer under TSO/ISPF (as described in The Fault Analyzer ISPF interface), with the following restrictions and variations:

  1. Batch reanalysis of the fault entry is not supported.
  2. Functions which invoke ISPF EDIT are not supported:
    • Editing the options data set prior to interactive reanalysis.
    • Altering allocated data sets prior to interactive reanalysis.
    • EDIT a User Formatting EXEC from list of available EXECs.
    • EDIT of a DSECT from the DSECT list display.
  3. Since this component is not running under TSO, no prefixing of data set names is performed. That is, where a data set name can be entered, for example a Fault History File or View, the data set name needs to be fully qualified with or without quotes.
  4. ISPF profile changes made while in the Interactive Reanalysis Report, for example changing the location of the command line, might not be immediately reflected upon return to the Fault Entry List display. However, the profile changes are detected on the next invocation of the main CICS® transaction.

Refer to Enabling interactive reanalysis under CICS for information about installing this interface.