Exporting report counters automatically

You can change the test preferences so that report counters are automatically exported at the end of a run. This option is useful when you run a schedule from the command line because you can automatically export results without opening the workbench.


To automatically export report counters to a CSV file when a test or schedule is complete:
  1. Open the Preferences page. Click Windows > Preferences.
  2. Open the Export Reports page. In the Preferences window, expand Test and Performance Test Reports, and then select Export Reports.
  3. In the Export Reports window, select the options as follows:
    Export reports when run completes from Select Command line or Workbench. If you select Command line, you can also select Print simple CSV reports to command line to display the exported data on the command line (standard output) as well as export it to the CSV file. The file is displayed after the command line run has completed.
    Simple (counters as lines, time ranges as columns) To export a simple report in the CSV format, select this checkbox.

    List All Time Ranges - Select this checkbox to include data from all the time ranges. The Entire Run time range is included by default.

    Include per instance counters: Select this checkbox to include counters for all the page elements.

    Export each agent separately - Select this checkbox to export data for each agent to a separate CSV file.

    One file per agent - Select this checkbox to export data for each agent (location) to different sections in a single CSV file.

    Full (time intervals as lines, counters as columns) To export a comprehensive report that includes the result name, node name, and time ranges, select this checkbox. Typically, you do not include these details unless you are exporting customized reports that include counters from specific test runs.

    Split output if column exceeds - Because there will be a lot of data, select this checkbox to create multiple CSV files if the number of columns exceed the specified limit.

    Include per instance counters - Select this checkbox to include counters for all the page elements.

    Export each agent separately - Select this checkbox to export data for each agent (location) to different sections in the same CSV file.

    One file per agent - Select this checkbox to export data for each agent to a separate CSV file.

    HTML report Select this checkbox to export full report data in the HTML format.
    Executive Summary report Select this checkbox to export the report in the HTML format. This report summarizes the state of the test or schedule run and display the report on only one HTML page. It can be printed.
    Select reports to export Expand the tree, if necessary, to display the type of report to export. If you select more than one report, each report is exported to a separate CSV file in the Test Runs directory.

    Show Report Ids - Select this checkbox to view the ID of each report. The IDs are used when exporting the specific reports from command line.

  4. Click Apply.


The CSV file is called results_file_name.report_name.csv. It contains metadata about the test run, a blank line, and then lists each counter and its last value. Each counter is on a separate line.